28 November 2011

It seems most people, including Google themselves, are phasing out Blogger. I think I'll make the switch too eventually. I don't want to lose all my past posts though, so hopefully I can just leave this thing floating in the web's swampy abyss to be found again later.

Oh and here is my new frankenstein guitar rig that I am anxiously awaiting to try:

Head: Marshall Vintage Modern 2466 (Bought in Alabama!)
Cab: Marshall JCM 900 Lead 1960 (Bought in Santee!)

01 November 2011

18 October 2011

12 October 2011

06 October 2011

30 September 2011

Click to Enlarge

08 August 2011

ABR Studios

Looks like my Abbey Road, aka ABR Studios, aka Justyn's mom's sewing room, is back in service!

Seriously though, I'm stoked. It's been way too long since I've worked on anything so I'm gonna have to start stirring the pot again. I have a long backlog of stuff to finish, plus some new stuff to experiment with.

While we typically keep my stuff under the radar until a certain point, with the help of Google+ I'll probably make it more public and get some opinions. From the little bits that we've shown close friends and whatnot, we've gotten some praise. Not bad. I'm stoked to hear what you think.

The Noise Above

It seems I've been using a large percentage of recent posts to complain about my neighbors, but it just keeps coming up and I have to vent somewhere.

It's only been about a month or so since I've had many neighbors in the building, but I've noticed that whoever lives above me makes a TON of noise. Not with loud music or movies or anything, but just normal movement. It's like I'm living under a fucking gorilla cage. Either that or Donkey Kong is ground-pounding bananas out of the floor above me. Realistically, I figured this guy is some huge behemoth who can't really help it so I ignored it pretty easily.

Then, he started having little get-togethers, usually on Sunday nights around midnight. Until that point, the only thing I knew of this guy was the sound of his footsteps. Now, I could hear his voice because he would yell at random girls getting off the trolley to see if they wanted to come up and party. And I knew this was definitely my guy because he would tell them to take the elevator to apartment 658, and mine is 558. Confirmed, directly above me. Sure it's obnoxious, but I've had my share of loud parties in my place too, so I just let this one go as well.

After all this, while playing guitar one night like I normally do, I get a knock on my door. I look through the peep hole, and sure enough, it's the guy from above me. It has to be. He's pretty big and gumpy, and I'm immediately able to match his voice to his meathead build. He tells me he can hear the vibrations from the guitar, so I tell him I'll turn it down for him. True, it was a little late to be playing guitar even at a low volume. But after all the noise I tolerated without saying a word, it was pretty irritating to have this guy come knock on my door at midnight and bitch about something that probably wasn't all that loud.

So last night, after a long weekend, I crawl into bed and put on some music like I've been doing for the last year and a half. Nothing loud, just something to fall asleep to. I'm right about to doze off when I hear my doorbell ring. Seriously? I didn't even get out of bed to see who it was. I know it's him again, here to complain about yet another noise. Honestly, this guy can go fuck himself. He rang a couple more times and then gave up. Hopefully he gives up for good.