29 March 2010


Even though Easter is next weekend, the whole family spent this last one together pretty much the whole time with DK in town for a week. And it was actually really nice! Didn't do much else except play video games and jam. And cook a bunch of food, which turned out really well.

Also, on Friday I had Ruth's Chris. If you've never I had it, I highly suggest it. It's steak soaked in butter, so you can't go wrong.

26 March 2010

Finally Updated

If you're noticing a change in scenery, it's because I spent all day tweaking my old Blogger template. Now I can apply seasonal color schemes online as well as at home! It actually needs a little more work to liven it up, but I'll save that for another day.

24 March 2010

Spring Detox

Anyone else start detoxing after that epic week of partying? No? Well all of April...

17 March 2010

March Madness

Here's my bracket. SDSU won't beat Tennessee, but I picked them anyway for fun. Post yours if you have one. I also posted Obama's.

16 March 2010

Lost and Found

Looks like my old set of keys that I lost in Kate's garage were found! It made me think about all the things that have been lost or broken the past few years, which I have just recently found/fixed:

Playstation 3
Black G1
T-Mobile Wing

These keys were the last thing I needed to recover! Sure enough though, as soon as they turned up I lost the flash drive that was on my new set of keys : (

10 March 2010


I bet this Saturday the weather will be nice and we're going to play OTL at the park. I also have whiffle ball now! After that we're going downtown to see music and get free drinks from bimbosaurus. Can't wait!

03 March 2010


Just pushed this: