29 November 2010

The blogs have been weak this year, there's no getting around it. But then again there hasn't been very much to write about since it's been a fairly uneventful year for me so far. Not this last week however. Finally. Please excuse the fact that I'm super rusty also.

First Nate AND Martin were back in town, the former for a day and the latter permanently. Although Nate was only able to hang out for one night, we watched the Chargers get big win number one against Denver at Hooley's and caught up on the life of a seaman. That was also when talk of going to a game in December started, so look out for that. Then, word got out that Martin was back permanently so I figured I'd probably see him later in the week and maybe live a little of the good days again. But first Thanksgiving...

I was originally excited to spend a long relaxing weekend hanging out at my aunt and uncle's new place, playing DS and swimming and stuff. So Wednesday night I drove up with Yimmit and my brothers for what was supposed to be a huge Thanksgiving bash. Which it was, but cut short and not as fun as we had hoped. Since nearly the entire family was staying at the house, all 11 cousins were sleeping on the floor of the movie theater. It was actually a cool set-up, but we got blamed for breaking the projector somehow, so everything we did was supervised with caution the rest of the time. In the midst of this giant mansion, with no internet or cell service, we could only talk about getting the hell out of there. Eventually, we had no choice anyway. We were going to stay until Sunday, but my Grandma became pretty sick post-surgery and everyone had to emergency-boogie back to Tucson, including my mom. The vibe there It was a pretty emotional, hectic mess but we decided to just get out of their hair and take care of ourselves back in San Diego, so we left Friday night. Black Friday.

I had contemplated having a party since I knew my family would be out of town, but I didn't really want to miss Thanksgiving or trash the house I don't live in anymore. But after the first couple days of vacation, I needed some redemption. I woke up Saturday morning and realized I really wanted to do it. For old time's sake. Step one, call up Martin. Immediately, I felt like everything was back to normal. Especially when I kicked his ass at beer pong. Tiffany coming unexpectedly, yes! And thanks to Pops for providing rain coverage. It wasn't a true Black Friday party, for those who were expecting it, but it was pretty good for a last minute put-together. 2011 will out-do everything, promised.

02 November 2010

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