28 April 2009


Yeah, it really was a weekend dominated by baseball. I hadn't really realized it until Chris said so. Friday was our first Padre game of the year and the only win of the homestand, so I'm glad we went that night instead of Saturday, which would have meant no 99 or sweet disco party! That was seriously the best night I've had in a long time, and the party wasn't bad either.

As I find myself trudging through the semester, it looks like there's only two weeks left before finals. I can't wait for this to end and summer to begin, and I can't believe my 36 unit barrage of classes in two semesters is coming to an end. Honestly, it's been the most work I've ever had to handle, but it's been been the best time of my life. All the memories made it whiz by; I can remember my first day after Bumbershoot like it was yesterday. AND after two full years here, I've officially taken more units at State than I did at SFSU. I guess this is home again... : )

So projects, presentations, and final exams pretty much fill the first three quarters of May, but I'm going to burn through it and hit summer with a bang. Sorry I missed basketball yesterday, but I had to be at school to finish up some final projects. Three weeks from now, I promise I'll be a basketball machine! All I want to do this summer is work out, travel, and start life after college. Yes, technically I have two more classes left, but who's counting. If they had offered them this semester, I gladly would have taken them, but I can't control that and I'm not going to let it ruin my "graduation". The bulk of the work is done and I don't care about walking or throwing caps in the air or any of that GradFest bullshit. I'm educated, I have high school diploma part two, time to move on.

20 April 2009


Definitely hating life right now. I'm so sick of school, and so disappointed in myself for not caring anymore. 33% of my skin is dry and itchy, and there's so much grey hair on my head that I'm gonna look like Eli soon. No, not Loi, Eli II.

I can't seem to do anything right anymore. Just confusion, that's all...

15 April 2009

DB Project 3

For one night's work, I'm pretty satisfied with what I got done on this project. I'm sitting in class right now, about to turn it it and it seems like everyone was in the same boat...they keep talking about ''Question 11". "Damn, that shit was hard!" Wish I had gotten to it :/

14 April 2009

Staying Afloat

I'm hoping this senioritis is at its worse right now, because it's pretty bad and I know as the semester winds up there will be potential for much more harmful damage.

I just turned in my second VB project, which came out OK but I just completed it about an hour ago and put about 2 total hours of work into it. Currently, I might be around a low B in the class with one more project left. I think I'll need a good grade on the final too.

09 April 2009

GSD weekend. Phone/iGoogle will be off. Sorry.

06 April 2009


Spring break is over and the grind must continue on. I do feel pretty relaxed and refreshed, but I really need to get myself back into the swing of things mentally. I've put off a lot of work and I know it's going to bite me in the ass with long nights and tired eyes. So while everyone else is on THEIR spring break (excluding Justyn and Eli of course), I hope to get caught up with everything and finish the final stretch with authority. As Dr. Cheeks would say, "I'm a little behind..."

01 April 2009

Ultimate Saturday

I think because of spring break, I've put off this weekend blog until now. But it definitely was a weekend, and especially Saturday, worth writing late about. 

In preparation for Saturday, we didn't do very much on Friday night. Actually, I don't even remember what we did.

Saturday though, we all woke up early (for a Saturday) to play some badminton at Balboa. For some reason, the activity center was closed and it surprised everyone who showed up, not just us. Anyway, I prefer the sunshine anyway so it was nice to hit the cocks around for a while right outside, even got in a good catch. While Garrett and Kim broke away to go watch Lucas get his new tattoo, the rest went to Spaghetti Factory for lunch downtown. Despite to-go drama, it was a good lunch followed by a car nap and Blick trip. No Saturday afternoon during the months of March-September would be complete without a swim, which I was surprised I still had time for with all the things we had already done. I guess that's the beauty of waking up at a decent hour. But the pool was great, and once dry and slightly more tan, I found I had to choose between Darick's dinner at BJ's or Stone. Yeah, tough choice. Luckily, but not surprisingly, Justyn was still down to go and finish the Vertical Epic trio with the '08. This was literally a "cool" Stone trip; we brought two coolers of ice, filled 5 total 2-liters and a baby 1-liter and brought them all back ice-cold. It made the beer taste so much better. Ryder was sweet that night too. Played a game of Vert Ep pong, fireside chats, got to chip some lip, then bailed for some Yellow Shack. We weren't done yet though. The night owls (Justyn, Martin, Flo, Everett) got in some Hot Shots for the first time in ages. 

We spent Sunday looking at animals at the zoo, then bypassed a nap to read at Barnes and Noble before dinner at Domo.