05 October 2009

SD Sports Weekend

October feels like it's in full swing now with baseball wrapping up and football underway. Although I'm going to miss the scorching heat of summer, the beach trips and the cold beer, each year I forget how nice Fall really is. Starting Friday, we officially kicked it off in grand fashion:

Oktoberfest, or "OktoBEERfest", in El Cajon on Friday night. This is the more authentic, less crowded version of the La Mesa one which included veal, a mug of Spaten, pretzels the size of your head, and Germany's answer to the Macarena (something about a lasso?)

Saturday we went out to Fry's to possibly buy some new headphones, but we decided we could get them at a much better ''price'' by combining one part Justyn and one part Wal-Mart. Don't know if you're up for a trip, but maybe this weekend. Following was a decent jam session which incorporated a new midi keyboard, although someone needs to get good at it so it can adds something to the music other than noises. After that, we hopped on the trolley to Mission Valley to watch the Aztecs, then back to La Mesa for their Oktoberfest.

Although it wasn't much different than the Del Mar Fair, it turned out to be pretty fun. We saw a dog with a chicken on it (hard to see):

All the German food was starting to get to me and everyone else I think, we left in favor of Santanas. Everyone was pretty tired and called it a night after, but I got called up to Ryder to hang out for a little. And I'm glad I did because now I can share with Justyn the story of how Ruben threw his new glass stein up in the air, at Pops or Chris Coleman or whoever was fencing with badminton rackets, and shattered it all over the concrete. When asked why, he said he loved Pops but naturally, like any true friend, he wanted to see him bleed. Claaasssic Ruben : /
Also, Chris Coleman and Dustin Langmaid were able to put their heads together and conclude that they do not like ''munching on big chunky cocks''. For this I am very relieved, because like most people in Santee I am extremely threatened by homosexuals and prefer the company of loud, incoherent STRAIGHT drunks. Fuck Ya.

The whole weekend was just a pre-game for Sunday, which I had been looking forward to all week. We got up early to go downtown for the last Padre game of the season against the Giants. And although they lost 4-3 in 10, it was a good game and there is certainly more hope for this team in 2010 than we could have expected, judging by how most of the year went.
After the game, we walked right down the street past the convention center to the Hilton and watched the Chargers at the Fox Sports Grill. We didn't even know this place existed but it was pretty nice. The prices and food were good, it wasn't too crowded and they had a ton of TVs.

We were even entertained by a Steelers fan who thought he was at Ye Village Inn and stood up on every play to wave his yellow towel as if he was at Heinz.

So the Padres and Chargers both lost. Oh well. Time for playoffs anyway! Also, we're planning a Stone Barbeque birthday thing sometime in November for Mark.


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