23 February 2010


With all this free time on my hands now, video games have become my new guilty pleasure. Between that and all the downloaded TV shows and Blu Ray movies, I can feel my brain rotting away as I stare at my screen more and more everyday. Excellent!

Heavy Rain comes out today, so I may go pick that up. I wanted to wait for Final Fantasy XIII before I spent $60 on a game, but this one looks pretty good. Both look really good actually. I've debated whether I should just rent more games, but I realized I'm just not a ''subscriber''. Whether it's at the store or through some Netflix online service or whatever, it ends up costing almost $10 just to rent the damn thing for a few days. That's one thing for a two hour movie but a different story for a 20+ hour game. There's also Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker coming soon, but any PSP games are easily downloaded for free.

And I don't know what's up with my guitars. Well, I half know. The Telecaster is actually being custom made for my order because supposedly the 2-tone sunburst color is a Guitar Center exclusive and won't be ready until mid March. It will be worth the wait.

The SG, however, was said to be ready a week ago. Don't know what's up with that.

What else...oh yeah, I just watched Gorillaz' Demon Days Live. One of my favorite albums. I always thought that Gorillaz did some kind of animated live show, but that may have just been some special case for TV or something. This was just a ton of musicians on stage, led by Damon Albarn and supported by different visuals and whatnot. The album was reproduced well though and must have been great to see live. They still stand to be the best act at Coachella.

Anyway...I'm bored. I'm ready for less rain and more baseball.


10 February 2010

The Doldrums

Been kinda quiet around here lately, it seems like we've hit those months where there's not much going on except school, rain, and (ugh) basketball. The super bowl turned out to be what was expected; a well-fought battle between two top-notch quarterbacks. Peyton could have made it slightly more interesting in the final half of the fourth quarter instead of throwing a pretty ugly pick, but I suppose New Orleans does deserve it. Congrats.

I'm looking forward to whatever happens for all the February holidays, whether it be Valentine's Day or Mardi Gras. I haven't been doing much except playing BioShock and watching way too much 30 Rock. I think I had a dream about Tina Fey a while ago, which doesn't seem healthy.

And I'm still waiting for my guitars to come in. Guitar Center said two weeks, but I think it's been longer...I can't remember though.

01 February 2010

Two New

I think I'm still recovering from Friday night, but that was way too much fun.

I bought two new guitars last Thursday, '72 Reissue Thinline Telecaster and an SG Classic. I actually took home the floor models but I'm going back to get new ones once they come in. Will post pics then.