27 July 2010


What a long, relaxing disconnect this weekend was. I boarded up my apartment on Friday (not literally, but I did close all the blinds and windows) and drove to Phoenix to spend a couple days at some resort my family had. All the pools and slides were nice, but the heat was just brutal if you were anywhere but inside with the AC. Surprisingly though, the sunscreen I used worked really well for once and I didn't get a bit of sunburn. Having no internet was inconvenient though. Hotels that charge you for Wi-Fi are impeding technological advancement.

It's also interesting to try different regions' version of Mexican food, because it seems the further east you go, the closer you get to ''Tex-Mex''. We went to a place called ''Some Burros'' (I guess a clever play on ''sombreros''), which I think caused my family out here to start calling burritos ''burros''. WTF!? Anyway, they had a ''Fundido Burrito'' with chicken and spicy cream cheese. I really wish I had gotten it, but I was too hungry to risk disappointment so I just had two tacos. They really weren't any different than what you would get here, actually pretty good.

Maybe if I had had said internet in our room I would have looked a little closer at the schedule and not sped home to watch the first game against the Dodgers on Monday when the Padres were actually off. I had to miss a big family Ikea trip because of that. Oh well. I'm ready to settle in and watch Sand Diego take this second half.

Back at work now, caught up, and having a mini Christmas in my office because all my stuff arrived yesterday and was waiting on my desk: sake set, graduation watch, wireless network card, and Lost Season 03. Good to be home.

21 July 2010

Long Overdue

I finally decided to upgrade my desktop computer after putting it off for 6 years. My old one is still a decent machine but it has weak RAM and the video card is crapping out I think. I didn't spend as much as I should on the new one, but I found a good deal and only got what I really needed and use:

Gateway DX4300-11

1 TB Hard Drive
2.50 GHz AMD Phenom II X4

8 USB Ports
1 HDMI Port
TV Tuner
Windows 7 64-Bit

I put my old 1 TB hard drive in there too so it's 2 TB total. It didn't come with a wireless card, and I found out that the one in my old computer doesn't work well on 64-bit machines. I'll have to play around with it and hopefully get it all set up again. I wish I had the TV tuner and HDMI in the living room as a DVR, but I'll have to sacrifice. This thing's gonna run all of Office 2010 and Adobe CS5 for some serious GSD.

12 July 2010

A Weekend of Excess

After drinking an entire bottle of Sweet Tea Vodka Friday night, needless to say I was out of it most of Saturday. Not really hungover, just tired. Nothing a little bacon log couldn't fix:

Step One: Weave the Bacon

Step Two: Bake the Weave

Step Three: Wrap with Ingredients, Enjoy

This thing tastes great, but you really shouldn't eat it all at once. I immediately felt crappy after, and Sunday I think I was more shitty than Saturday as a result of these splurges. Good times!