30 September 2009

Beat LA!

After feeling some pressure to get my portion of the project done and meet with my group at 7 last night while still holding a ticket for the game, I ended up deciding in favor of Petco. Which was the right call because it was the best game I've been to all year.

Tuesdays are pretty much my one ''free'' weeknight. So about a week before I had bought tickets with Chris to go to the game the following Tuesday against LA, but I didn't realize that I also made plans to meet with my group and turn in our weekly project assignment. Typically, it would be a huge guilt-trip to bail out and not come to a meeting, but bailing out on a friend who already paid for a baseball game would be worse. And my group this semester gets things done much more efficiently than those in the past; all the work gets done on our own with as little meeting time as possible. I handled the majority of the work on our last section and earned a 95/100 (should have been a full 100), so I felt I deserved to go to this game. And I did...

...which brings me to this baseball update for the last week of the season. Of course, playoff brackets will follow later but here is where the playoff teams/contenders stand:

Clinched Division:
American League
East - New York Yankees (currently 102-56)
West - Los Angeles Angels (currently 93-64)

National League
Central - St. Louis Cardinals (currently 90-67)

Clinched Wild Card:
American League - Boston Red Sox (currently 91-66)

Clinched Playoff Spot:
National League - Los Angeles Dodgers (currently 93-65)

In the American League, everything is decided except the Central. Detroit is up 2 games on Minnesota with 5 games left. The two actually split a doubleheader yesterday and will finish the series up today and tomorrow. Detroit's magic number is 4, but if the twins can win the final two games of the series they'll be tied with 3 games left. Detroit has 3 against Chicago, Minnesota 3 against Kansas City.

The National League has a few more races going, but primarily for the Wild Card. Division races are interesting but a long shot. Los Angeles is already in the playoffs no matter what, but they share the same magic number of 1 with Philadelphia. Colorado is 3.5 games behind Los Angeles for the NL West. Atlanta is 5 games behind Philadelphia for the NL East. Philadelphia has 5 games left and Los Angeles has 4, and most likely they will win one of these games and clinch their division. Each are 5-5 in their last 10 games...
However, San Diego beat Los Angeles last night and plays them again today. If they win and Colorado beats Milwaukee again, Los Angeles will go into Colorado for a 3-game series with only a 2 game lead. It's more a of a stretch for Atlanta in the East, who is 5 behind Philadelphia and have the 1 more with Florida then 4 with Washington. Philadelphia has 2 with Houston and 3 with Florida.
After all, it may just come down to Colorado and Atlanta fighting for the Wild Card, with Colorado only 1.5 games ahead.

Although my ultimate fantasy is to see Los Angeles and New York in the World Series, I would love it if after everything Los Angeles went in as the Wild Card and were upset by Colorado in the final 3-game series. It looks like I could possibly have both!

21 September 2009


Tough Charger loss on Sunday. It's hard to see the offensive line give no protection to the quarterback, have him still throw for 400+ yards and end up losing. Actually the problems lie in both lines; the defensive line can't stop runs or tackle short passes to save their life. Other than that, the defensive ends looked pretty good and you're at least not watching the long bombs come down for catches too often. I think we kinda saw it coming because they played the same way against Oakland last week and everyone knew Baltimore is no AFC West chump.

For some reason, my internet has completely stopped working on my desktop and is either great or sketchy on my laptop. I'm starting to have my doubts about the AT&T cable, both internet and TV. I couldn't even watch the Chargers in HD because the channel wasn't subscribed, even though it says our package includes it. We're at the point where HD is basically standard now for the big networks, so we shouldn't be having these problems even though the service is so cheap. I think I can find a better deal with better features that my Mom will agree to.

Also, the PS3 is boxed up for good since I discovered the disc drive motor, or whatever spins the disc, isn't working anymore. It's going to cost about $70-100 for a new one, so I have to decide whether that will be worth it or if I should just sell the thing as-is on eBay and put the money towards a Slim or something. I guess I should also return that Blu Ray remote.

And congratulations to Casey B. I got a text early this morning that her baby was born, and I guess it's just natural to feel good about that. Because I did, and it's been a good Monday morning!

09 September 2009

Apple Event

Even on UStream, there didn't seem to be any pirate live streams of today's Apple Event in San Francisco so I was forced to stay updated with liveblogs on Engadget. I think the coolest thing is the new iPod Nano, which now has a built in video camera, FM radio, pedometer and voice recorder. I would consider it over the iPod Touch if I was ever to get a new one.

And in other news, my PS3 is broken (probably the blu ray drive) and Windows won't start on my desktop after installing another new CPU fan. I need help : (

01 September 2009


As a refreshing change, I decided to hang out with my brothers for the majority of the weekend. Actually, it just worked out that the most fun things I did were with them, and my cousin tagged along to join the fun as well.

Everett and I spent most of the time working on my computers, which included installing the latest OS on both. It took all weekend to download Snow Leopard (6 GB with low ratio) but it finally completed, although I haven't installed it yet. From what I've heard, it definitely makes things run smoother and clears up 8-10 GB of hard drive space which will be nice. It only costs $29, which is a reasonable deal, but I torrented it anyway because Mac does not need my money; actually, they already have more of it than I should have allowed...

While all that was downloading on the Mac, me Everett and Chris went to Fry's to pick up a new hard drive and either a new power supply or cpu fan. The fan was definitely what was making all the noise in my computer, but I couldn't really decide if it was worth it to replace it. One, the better fans are really only meant for better cooling for bigger processors, so they wouldn't necessarily be more quiet. Especially in an old Pentium 4. Also, I didn't realize the socket 775 has either a 3-pin or 4-pin connector. Plugging the 3-pin fan, which I ended up buying for $10, into the 4 pins on the motherboard meant that it would spin but not be detected in the BIOS. Therefore, no boot. Also, the stupid snap pins wouldn't fit unless I removed the metal plate that the old heat sync screwed into, and I even tried frankenstein the old and the new to get it to fit. I ended up just going back to the old one, which was much quieter after I cleaned out the cake of dust anyway. So I'll be going back this weekend to get my $10.

I did pick up the Blu Ray remote for the PS3 (sweet) and a 1 TB hard drive. I didn't realized there was an extra bay in the case, so I now have 1.2 TB of space. Installed much easier than the fan. Pretty much spent the whole night drinking some New Castle and installing Windows 7 with Everett, Mark and Yimmit. It took some time to get a few programs and hardware running since a lot of the drivers disappeared or were incompatible, but we got all the essentials done (network card, sound card, graphics card, etc..) because the troubleshooting is really good in 7. The OS runs really nice after a clean install. I like it. Mark had his own project with two old Thinkpads from my uncle, which he cleaned up and installed Obuntu on. He's good at doing well with low resources.

The next day after Chula Vista beat NON-commy China, I went back to Fry's with all three brothers to pick up the CPU fan (which I now have to return) and a new DVI cable for Darick. When we got home, I started to play around with the comp when Mark asked if I wanted to jam with them. This kind of took me by surprise...

Never have we all four played music together. The first thing I did was drag the stack and bass amp back into the music room. Next, I opened up Garage Band really quick and plugged the little mic I have into it. I just hung it on the door outside and didn't tell anyone. Then the magic happened. Mark was on drums, Darick played bass and me and Everett alternated lead and rhythm. We kept doing these long jam songs and alternating instruments; Everett on drums, Mark on bass, Darick on guitar, etc...someone would just start playing and we would add to it and build it up until it erupted, then bring it back down to earth and end it. We did this for a pretty long time, and I got the whole thing on tape. We can all pretty much read each other like a book and it was easily the best jam I've ever played.