21 September 2009


Tough Charger loss on Sunday. It's hard to see the offensive line give no protection to the quarterback, have him still throw for 400+ yards and end up losing. Actually the problems lie in both lines; the defensive line can't stop runs or tackle short passes to save their life. Other than that, the defensive ends looked pretty good and you're at least not watching the long bombs come down for catches too often. I think we kinda saw it coming because they played the same way against Oakland last week and everyone knew Baltimore is no AFC West chump.

For some reason, my internet has completely stopped working on my desktop and is either great or sketchy on my laptop. I'm starting to have my doubts about the AT&T cable, both internet and TV. I couldn't even watch the Chargers in HD because the channel wasn't subscribed, even though it says our package includes it. We're at the point where HD is basically standard now for the big networks, so we shouldn't be having these problems even though the service is so cheap. I think I can find a better deal with better features that my Mom will agree to.

Also, the PS3 is boxed up for good since I discovered the disc drive motor, or whatever spins the disc, isn't working anymore. It's going to cost about $70-100 for a new one, so I have to decide whether that will be worth it or if I should just sell the thing as-is on eBay and put the money towards a Slim or something. I guess I should also return that Blu Ray remote.

And congratulations to Casey B. I got a text early this morning that her baby was born, and I guess it's just natural to feel good about that. Because I did, and it's been a good Monday morning!

1 Comment:

  1. Justyn said...
    Sorry for the delayed response.

    I'm obligated to stay with the guys up at Stone, and I know, I'm going to be missing out on the jerseys and stuff, but I made these plans like a month ago.
    And you didn't miss anything at the Rascons. Stuck in that cramped room all hot and shit was not fun. The only reason I appear on Thursdays is because Keely is there, and she's cute :3

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