15 January 2010

Big Weekend

Blog's gettin' a little empty and I've been killing myself at work all week, so I think a post is in order.

I've made a point leave work out of the conversation in this thing, but it has been really cool lately with all the web development and video production stuff I've been doing. I don't know when it happened, but I've become a full-fledged IT man at this little company. I already know 2010 is the breakout year and there's even bigger shoes to fill.

Anyway, Everett, Dad and I are heading to Anaheim for NAMM on Saturday morning to check out the latest advances in music instrument and equipment technology. Still don't know if there' going to be any big names attending, but if possible I'd like to come back with a new guitar or something.

I'm really more excited about the Charger game on Sunday though. And although we're going to keep the ''party'' low-key, there will be nothing quiet about this game. It's what football is all about, and I'm pumped.

As for tonight, I'd like to go to the brewing company or something if anyone's down. Just to hang out, nothing crazy.


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