10 September 2010

Family Weekend

It's always nice having the whole family back together under one roof. Since Darick's been back, we've all been hanging out and cooking like crazy at the house which I love! He's making Tika Masala tonight I think, which I've never had but I know will be good because he's making it. Although everyone in the family cooks except Everett, Darick is the biggest foodie stickler. He always makes ambitious dishes and doesn't fail because he sticks to the recipe. Something my mom can't force herself to do. We already made some vegetarian spaghetti on Wednesday, and I plan on doing pizza Sunday night, possibly at my place. I like being at the house too much though and getting that fuzzy feeling of having a family again. I have mastered three pizzas: thai chicken, BBQ chicken and spinach, tomato and goat cheese. I'm telling you, they're good.

Other than that, we'll probably be at the stadiums the next two weekends for Aztecs and Padres, gonna be sweet. But it's all just anticipation for the Chargers on Monday night. Can't wait.

P.S. New look for Fall, yaya!


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