23 September 2010

Playing California

What a great morning it's been. Hell, what a great week.

I accidentally threw away my registration renewal from the DMV, which had the PIN code, or RIN as they call it, to pay online. Without that, I would have to go into the DMV and pay in person. What a pain, and I can't believe that RIN is even necessary when they have so many other unique identifiers available: social, VIN, license plate number, drivers license number, etc. Anyway, of course I put this off and racked up $60 in late fees. After waiting two hours and reading an entire issue of WIRED, I told them that they had never sent me the form with the RIN and they waived my fees. Cha-ching.

THEN, when I got back to work my new Zune HD was sitting on my desk. So were the books I ordered from Amazon. They weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow at the earliest! I got the Zune because my good old iPod II is totally full now and I want something solely for new music. Also the video is gorgeous.

So tonight I'm going to load it up, give it a listen and read about HTML 5 and Java Script.


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