10 July 2011

Ahh, young love <3

I can't tell you how many times I've had to listen to these stupid young couples in the building argue about the most pointless stuff. Usually it's a Friday or Saturday night, late, and they come home drunk and arguing about some drama that went down:

"You're such a dick! I can't believe how much you fucking embarrassed me in front of my girlfriends at the club tonight you fucking piece of shit!"

Can't they do this inside their own apartment? Just fight and get on with the glorious makeup sex so the rest of us can sleep in peace.

Right now some guy is getting chewed out by his gf, fiance, wife, whatever, for talking on the phone and playing Xbox too much. Outside where everyone can hear them. Seriously? Is this what their life has become? This is how they're choosing to spend their precious time on this earth?

I've found myself saying this multiple times this week about multiple couples. I hope I NEVER end up doing this shit with ANY person. Fucking pathetic.


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