31 October 2008


So far, Halloween has been good to me. Looks like the G1 is out for delivery today! I can't wait to try it out and actually has a decent phone. Man, it's been so long...almost two months since I broke my Wing. I still need to get that fixed too so I can have back-up, plus it's still a great phone and I miss it. UPDATE: G1 was just delivered, I'm gonna go get it right now! :) To be continued....

29 October 2008


I just dispersed my funs to my checking account from Amazon. That was actually resolved pretty fast, so I can keep using Amazon...

28 October 2008

Lost Faith

So like I mentioned in an earlier post from Sunday, Amazon.com is holding all of my funds for 45 days to review my seller account. This is based on my "low" seller rating, which is a totally inaccurate representation of all my past activity. People never give positive feedback when an order goes through normally and on time, but they jump on the opportunity for revenge by giving negative feedback when something goes wrong. Yes, I shipped some orders late in the past, but that was more than two years ago and my last 20 or so orders have been fine. So I'm waiting for my funds that I STILL have not received for that whole Sidekick mess.

27 October 2008

Game 5

Man, that's some intense rain in Philadelphia for Game 5. I thought it was unusual that it was called mid-game, and yes, I found out it's the first time in World Series history.

26 October 2008

Wow. What a week and what a weekend. Midterms, projects and costume design basically controlled my life but I accomplished what I set out to do (although not with the greatest results, I'll have to make up for that later). I haven't even had a chance to blog...

IDS 306 midterm wasn't too bad, and IDS 302 got curved, yay! That MS Project project was long but I finished it all on Friday night.
FIN 323 was really bad, but this next midterm will be easier and I understand it a lot more because it's all formulas.
MKTG 350 is bullshit and the guy is all backwards but I just finished the make-up test.
 Just gotta BS my MGT 350 presentation tomorrow and I'll be good! Wait, wasn't the lesson to work harder...
And I still love IDS 483, networking, the only good class. Pretty sure I got 100% on the IP project and I'll bring up my crappy midterm 1 grade I didn't study for. Shin chan understands though.

Ok, enough about school. Lily's was wild and all this hard work definitely makes you drunker, faster, and with better results when you finally cut loose. Super Mario Bros. rocked Santee, only to be outdone by Ash and his stupid, pointless Metapod. Oh and don't fucking pee in Lily's backyard.

How about those Phillies!? They just clobbered Tampa bay 10-2 and they're now up 3 games to 1. I've barely been able to watch it and I didn't make a schedule, but the love is there. I can't help but root for the Phillies. It's all about pre-world war II teams, that's what I always say.

So that's it for this week. G1 is coming, Amazon is holding all my money, and I'm tired so I'll talk about those later. 

Oh one last thing, I'm staking claim to the blog revolution I'm starting in Santee ;)

21 October 2008

Wrapped in Poison

Stayed up way too late last night, reading, studying among other things. Midterm just now wasn't too bad, but could have been better. Digging those holes again...

18 October 2008

3 Bottles of Beer

Too late/tired to blog last night. I even fell asleep during the office. Good times though, just a step session with the guys. And the town drunk Ruben.

17 October 2008


Wow, what a comeback by Boston. Down 7-0, they scored 8 un-answered runs after the 7th to win by one run. 

16 October 2008


I was right about to say the Rays put away the Red Sox for another year....looks like Boston has tied it at 7!


Tran wireless is going to be closed on Saturday, so unless i haul ass out there after work on tomorrow, I'll have to wait ANOTHER week to see my Wing again:(...it's a shame I'll have to sell it once it's fixed, it's been good to me.

14 October 2008


Chris and I both bought the T-Mobile G1 today. Well, ''bought'' is not an accurate verb. I haven't paid for anything yet, but it'll show up on my next bill along with the sidekick. It's gonna be pretty hefty.

AND my checking account isn't too hot right now after Super Charger weekend, so I'll have some new income projects. Next one: repair the Wing and sell it on E-Bay. Really, it'll just make up for all the money I've lost tracking it down and repairing it.

I also need Fall clothes. H and M!

13 October 2008

Been a while since I last checked in. Fall festival this year was pretty fun, didn't drink so much but ate WAY too much.

Had to work with my IDS 306 group for 4 hours on Saturday, but I still had time to wash Summer and try out the new Squash air freshener. I got an e-mail from Tran Wireless that the ribbon for the WIng came in, but I didn't make it out there on Saturday and they were closed on Sunday. Oh well, looks like next weekend I should definitely have my real phone back...unless something ELSE goes wrong. The Nokia has served me well though.

Charger game on Sunday was AWESOME. Me, Chris, Eli and Ruben lost our voice and I have a Nate Kaeding jersey now. Hopefully the next game we go to is a playoff game in December.

08 October 2008


Should have my Charger vs. Patriots tickets on Friday, says Cade:)

The Eikosha air freshener came today, it's cool! I think a cat with muddy feet climbed on my car last weekend. Gotta wash summer and give it a smell.

I'm trying something sneaky on Amazon that I hope works. I think it's ok for people to sell used Sidekicks but not new ones, which is why my listing was getting booted or orders were denied. I listed it as used but put in the comments that it is new. So far, so good...

07 October 2008

Here are the Division Series results and the Championship Series schedule...finally. 

I haven't really talked about my picks or opinions much on what's happening, but so far it's gone the way I wanted or as expected. It's not really surprising that the Cubs choked or the Red Sox beat the team with the best record in baseball; the Red Sox are an October team, and the Cubs finished their 100th year in a row not being one. 

Anyway, the Rays and Red Sox is going to be a great ALCS. I think the Championship Series is usually better than the World Series most years, although I REALLY want to see the Los Angeles and Boston, with Manny coming back to Bean Town! 

06 October 2008


This weekend finally felt like Fall...the air was cool and crisp, the Oktoberfest beer was flowing, and it even rained a little. It did not carry over into today however, which was in the low 80's and forced me to remove my jacket and carry it around all day.

I guess I have to get approval from Amazon to sell my Sidekick. I'm pretty sure three people have tried to buy it and have been declined by Amazon. Hopefully I'll hear back from them tomorrow about my request.


Brewers and Cubs are out....who saw that coming? The Cubs were swept by the Dodgers over the weekend, who played much better and seemed to have the more talented team. Milwaukee at least won a game but could not move past the Phillies.

Los Angeles is still fighting to survive against Boston, winning on Sunday night in a 5 hour game. The Rays beat the White Sox today to clinch their division series in 4 games. BJ Upton hit two homeruns. As of now, the Red Sox are up 2-0 against the Angels in game 4.

I haven't posted a thing since the playoff predictions, but I have Division Series summary and Championship Series schedules ready to go. Just need to be not lazy and get them posted.

In other news, I'm using this old Nokia phone until Tran Wireless gets the LCD ribbon and can use my LCD to repair the Wing. It's good to finally be connected again, but I really miss having a full keyboard...you don't know what you have until it's gone.

03 October 2008

New ride for the MacBook...and a working phone sometime soon. My Crumpler Boomer and LCD screen came today! Check it out:

02 October 2008

Playoff Schedule

I still haven't uploaded the Division Series schedule yet, too lazy. I don't want to update after every game either, so I'll get it up and check back when the big stuff happens. Right now, the Dodgers and Cubs are playing Game 2.

Still no Crumpler bag or LCD screen. And I ordered yet another thing online that I will be waiting impatiently to come:

It's an Eikosha CS-X3 Air Spencer. And yes, it has not use except making my car smell like squash. Yum!

01 October 2008

October Baseball!

Even though it was in the mid 90s again, the air feels a little different today...October 1st, the postseason is here!

The Phillies already won game 1 against the Brewers 3-1. The Dodgers are up 4-2 against the Cubs on a grand slam by James Loney. I'm watching at the pub on campus before class and as expected, there's quite a few Dodger fans. The Red Sox and Angels are coming up after this.

My LCD screen should be arriving tomorrow. I got word from Tran wireless that the ribbon will be here sometime next week and it's going to cost me $65.50. That bastard at Fonlogix owes me. I haven't had a phone for a month now.