30 January 2009

Week One

My first week of school was low-key but busy and informative. Even though it was mostly just housekeeping (i.e. accommodating crashers, course overviews and syllabi) I had to get used to the new schedule, which has me running back and forth between work and school multiple times a day. I'm enjoying the change of scenery during the day however; like I said before, it's really nice to be outdoors again on campus during the day instead of the late night classes I've gotten so used to the last few years.

My actual courses are really exciting. They're mostly project-team oriented, so it's just one giant semester project which has us designing systems for real-life situations, start to finish. It seems like whichever class falls on Thursday night always seems to be the most enjoyable, even if it's the most challenging or the most work. IDS 406 was awesome last night, although I've pretty much committed every weekend to it for the next 4 months : )

26 January 2009

Back Home

So after a long Vegas weekend, it's good to be home and get back to routine again. Even though it was in the party capital of the world, it was actually very relaxing thanks to the spa in our suite at the Luxor. It was Garrett's first time, so we did a lot of walking around the strip, mostly to just get a lay of the land. It sounds like there will be multiple trips to Nevada this year, so it will be even better when we're all 21.

In music news, it looks like we're going to practice and record in the Kowalski house now. Well as long as everyone in the fam. is cool with it, which I'm pretty confident they will be. We're going to move into my old room, which I think is a cool practice environment for what we're doing musically. I'll post back when all is confirmed. 

Pretty much back to the same thing as usual: school, work, music, adventures, partying. Yay.

23 January 2009


First thing's first: this was a crazy winter break full of non-stop partying and other indulgences. It may have gotten a little out of hand at times, but I hope there are no regrets. For anyone. I'm not exactly sure how it even started, but I think it was just one giant release from the intense Fall semester. That's NOT to say that Fall was not the best time of 2008, maybe even my life.

Sorry if these version analogies seem lame or confusing, but it just seems relevant and I know there are some you who do understand. So read on. If you can remember 3.0, those days were what I wanted to model all of 2009 on. I and everyone around me just seemed to be running on all cylinders like a well-oiled machine in its prime. It was a great melting pot of fun and conscientiousness with all the people I love. 

Then everything seemed to go a little haywire, at least on my part. School stopped. The blogging stopped. The jogging stopped. And the fun began. But there is such a thing as too much fun, and it's something I learned once before, long ago in my SF days, but then forgot. Or maybe I just missed it. After a while, I realized I had lost myself when looking like shit outside meant feeling like shit inside, which is much worse. Anyway, like I said, no regrets but it's time to get back business.

Chris was quoted as saying I flicked a switch, from 3.0 to 3.5. It seemed more like a downgrade to though. Either way, I can't relive old days and I can't move ahead too fast. 3.1 is where I need to be. And I really felt it sinking in starting yesterday.

The first day of class for my final full semester of college. This was actually the most easy-going first day of any, which does make sense since I've done it so many times. Normally, it's a mixture of anxiety, nervousness, stress, and uncertainty. It takes me a while to get in the swing of things and get a feel for my schedule and classes. Because I'm only taking IS classes and the small major means I see a lot of the same faces as last semester, I felt like I just fell right back into place and had never left Fall 2008. Even though my daily work/class schedule is very hectic this time (lots more commuting back and forth everyday), I'm excited to have one last chance at daytime classes. I haven't taken a class before 4:00 PM since 2006 I think. It was nice to walk around campus at noon when it's really buzzing. Reminds me of State in SF. 

It's been a surprisingly warm January as well, so it's time to end the running season and start swimming. It's cold and painful in the early stages, but it's also low impact and wakes you up in the morning. Seriously, there's no better feeling than coming home after swimming and taking a hot shower. It's a great way to start the day. I would like to say I'm going to start eating less or watching the types of food I do eat, but I would be lying to myself. That's just not going to happen, and I don't want it to happen anyway. But I will stop spending so much money on food and alcohol and get back to just sipping on good beer that tastes right. 

Despite the crazy start, I still stand by 2009 all the way. There's going to be adventures (Vegas, Chicago), parties, etc. I've dumped a lot of emotional baggage and I'm not going to revisit it anymore. I won't be duped anymore, and I'll see things and people for what/who they really are instead of what I want them to be. To summarize, I just want to get along with everyone. When it comes down to it, there's not really anyone I don't like. And I'll do my best to prove it.

So that's that. As Justyn says, ''time to get shit done!''

22 January 2009

Pre Game

Just a quick update before my big blog: 

For some reason, the first day of classes is today (a Thursday). I'm pretty excited and I feel really refreshed after a long winter break. I'll also have a big gap between my 2:00 and 7:00 classes, so I'll probably do a big post for the start of Spring 2009 sometime then.

20 January 2009

The End

First day of classes is Thursday (kind of odd), then trip to Vegas on Friday. Should be fun. After that, Winter Break 2008-2009 is over. Thank God.

15 January 2009

Walt Kowalski


12 January 2009


The last two Saturdays we've had a hotel party downtown. It's things like this I find myself doing more of in 2009, which is so refreshing. I've always been about random, spur of the moment craziness, but it seems like there are more people to share it with these days. Sure it's expensive and maybe even impractical, but look at the benefits. It's a new environment instead of the routine spots and it keeps us safe because no one has to drive after and risk getting pulled over or hurting someone/themselves in an accident. Good times all around.

06 January 2009

IT'S 2009!

December 31st, 2008: To start the night and finish 2008, we started with hopes of a pre-game at SDBC. After driving all the way out there to find that they were closed, we grabbed some Pyramid Hefeweizen and Coors and golfed at my house instead. I guess I pushed it a little too far and my dad got a little annoyed with all the beer and people in my room, but it was cool. Consider it the last time in 2008. Although we hadn't been there in a while, Josh's was really fun too. All the fancy decorations and moderate drinking made the final moments of 2008 so memorable. 

Honestly, the majority of 2008 was horrible. Some of the worst times of my life. But the tail-end of it seemed to bring new life and turned into some of the best. It WILL foreshadow 2009.

Then the countdown began...

January 1st, 2009, 12:01 AM: The new year went off like a gun and never seemed to look back. We all just kept drinking into the night, and luckily Chris was smart enough to be our driver when the entire Santee police force was on the streets. Ruben was good and loaded, and soon after he wanted to kill me like so many of those old nights. We ditched him after he got too stupid to tolerate anymore (no remorse) and drove out to yellow shack for the first mexican food of 2009. We always seem to meet the strangest people there, and this time it was a group of young adults all dressed up and driving their own limo from 1992. Went home, said happy new year to mama and went to bed.

January 1st, 2009: I literally woke up feeling like a younger version of myself. The weather was amazing in Santee, so we walked around the Trolley Center while waiting for our table at Mimi's. After that, we jammed, watched some of The Office outtakes, took our breaks and then met up for ....

Ok, you can see where I'm going with this post, but I'm seriously struggling to remember all of this shit. If you read my earlier posts, I can usually describe every little thing we did for the night. My brain hurts. I'll finish it later. It's 2009 ; )