26 January 2009

Back Home

So after a long Vegas weekend, it's good to be home and get back to routine again. Even though it was in the party capital of the world, it was actually very relaxing thanks to the spa in our suite at the Luxor. It was Garrett's first time, so we did a lot of walking around the strip, mostly to just get a lay of the land. It sounds like there will be multiple trips to Nevada this year, so it will be even better when we're all 21.

In music news, it looks like we're going to practice and record in the Kowalski house now. Well as long as everyone in the fam. is cool with it, which I'm pretty confident they will be. We're going to move into my old room, which I think is a cool practice environment for what we're doing musically. I'll post back when all is confirmed. 

Pretty much back to the same thing as usual: school, work, music, adventures, partying. Yay.

1 Comment:

  1. Justyn said...
    Sounds good, I didn't even think about DK moving out. If it's okay with the parentals, then I'm down. Maybe even get Radwick to bring his drum set, so I can still practice at the heezy.

    Sorry about all the troubles, but like I said, everyone knows how she is, and It's basically not going to change. You just have to grab a seat, and grin and bear it like all my other friends.

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