30 January 2009

Week One

My first week of school was low-key but busy and informative. Even though it was mostly just housekeeping (i.e. accommodating crashers, course overviews and syllabi) I had to get used to the new schedule, which has me running back and forth between work and school multiple times a day. I'm enjoying the change of scenery during the day however; like I said before, it's really nice to be outdoors again on campus during the day instead of the late night classes I've gotten so used to the last few years.

My actual courses are really exciting. They're mostly project-team oriented, so it's just one giant semester project which has us designing systems for real-life situations, start to finish. It seems like whichever class falls on Thursday night always seems to be the most enjoyable, even if it's the most challenging or the most work. IDS 406 was awesome last night, although I've pretty much committed every weekend to it for the next 4 months : )


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