I know this post is kind of late, but I'll just do it anyway.
Friday we partied at the Santee Inn. Martin, Garrett and I stayed the night, woke up the next morning, bypassed the sorry continental breakfast at our hotel and walked about a quarter mile to the Best Western down the road for a huge free meal. As I walked down the street in the clothes I slept in, hood covering my floor-matted hair, I couldn't help but think that this was one of the trashiest things I've ever done in Santee ; )
Despite a crazy Friday night, it actually forced me to wake up early and after breakfast head home to help Mark move into Darick's old room, which freed up the one next to mine to move the lab into. After all the gear was in, Justyn, Martin and I journeyed to Fry's for a video card, and even though it was the cheapest one available, it ended up being needless. He returned it yesterday before we went to La Jolla to chill on the beach. Anyway, once we were bored with setting up, the adults went to Stone Brewery to refill the Growlers and initiate the noobs with their own. I got Pale Ale. We chilled for a little while and drank great beer outside in the garden. That place is awesome. Later in the night, we drank the Growlers in the Beatles pilsner glasses Eli got me for Christmas. Then I went on an adventure, twice, to see the cannon. It's cold down there!
Sunday I didn't wake up until 1:00 PM, but there was still enough time to go shopping and cook a ton of food at my house for the Super Bowl. Lucas and I owned that kitchen by the way, and you're all welcome. The game was good too, even though Arizona couldn't pull it off at the end. But congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Weekend well done.