23 February 2009


This weekend really was one for the books. I don't know how it happened, but along with all the work, friends, fun and adventure came a broad range of emotions I hadn't felt in a long time. And then of course surreal feelings produced surreal events that hit me like a sucker-punch but make perfect sense none the less.

Friday started with a slight lack of energy due to the all night poker party at the Rascon's Thursday night, which was way fun. After work I just crashed for a while but then got myself up to at least start my Wiki for IDS 492. After that, I grabbed some Alaskan and went to Ryder again for some sweet hangout. I actually ended up feeling kinda shitty after a while and left to go fix that over a burrito and discussion of life with Kate. When I returned, everyone was ready for their Santana's trip so I came along. Nothing wrong with eating two burritos right? Maybe I should start thinking so...

Saturday I was NOT ready to wake up at 9, drive to Escondido, eat Jamaba Juice, a pretzel and a bacon western cheeseburger for breakfast, throw some pinches and then take a Stone Brewery tour with free beer. But I did. And it was grand. I'm pretty sure that perfect amount of Stone's starting lineup made for a pretty good practice session because everything felt really tight. After playing around with some of the Wii homebrew, I had to head out to school to get shit done with Justyn, who I know misses the feeling. And I GOT that shit done, so we celebrated with a Panda dinner, and everyone came even if they weren't eating which was really nice. After a quick disband, pajamas were equipped and we gathered around the table for some intimate partying. I'm kind of struggling to put into words how this night and the rest of the weekend felt, and as much as I want to write something descriptive and accurate, it makes sense that I can't. It was just something about the unusually warm weather, the fact that everyone was chilling in their pajamas, and the sense that everyone had had a long Saturday and were in the mood to just veg. But after a swing and a miss on strike three, I also remember laughing at Piper being fat, discussing Android tattoos, watching Kate feed Indy bread, hiding in a small broom closet that no one else could fit in. Ending the night with some hot shots and donuts topped it off.

Sunday was fuzzy in every sense; the clouds covered the sky all day and the weather was warm again, and I woke up partially remembering everything that had happened the night before. I had a ton of stuff I had to do for school, but I just couldn't get started. Luckily I saw a bit of sun as it was setting out on Harbor Drive. Very nice afternoon : ) Following was dinner at Domo with the largest group ever (13 or so?) and then some more Wiki work. I was about to call it a night, but then...well, we don't talk about what happens next...


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