I will stop dipping for the following valid reasons:
- It's bad for my mind, blood, gums and heart
- I think it's draining my daily energy supply and making me lazy
- It makes me enjoy unhealthy food, both before and after a spit
- It's a bad influence on my friends
- Girls think it's disgusting
- It's all over Summer
- I do it when I'm bored, or before class
- Source of above image: oralcancerfoundation.org
- It feels great, tastes great with cold beer (preferably Hefeweizen) and makes me feel like I'm in the back roads of Virginia
Ok the last one isn't a great reason, but the rest should be enough to make me forget it.
2. It can't drain you of energy, or make you enjoy food more or less. An indirect addictive effect of Nicotine/Tobacco is 'tagging' it to things you enjoy. Which can be held true for also sex, alcohol, smoking, eating itself, walking, smells, and billions of other things (cutting, working out, and doing other specific things that don't even involve any substance intake), you can tag all those things to anything else making you enjoy them in visa versa ways.
3. I'm a bad influence on you. You don't have any friends left that have been effected by your dipping that I haven't already gotten to first.
4. Fuck girls.
5. Duh, those are the best times to do it. It helps you focus and concentrate. I relate it to meditation.
6. They put warnings on everything, even herbal supplements. Of course for legality purposes, they put warnings on everything (think alcohol), but they are more aimed at people who abuse.
7. You're not in the back roads of Virginia. Back roads of EC, yes. Better? Debatable, but still. You don't live in the Alps, for Christ's sake.
In all seriousness, quit if you need to, but really.... those excuses are laughable.
I've done my research as well. Addictions are bad. So, convert to Mormonism and stop intaking caffeine. Oh yea, and white bread causes cancer. Oh yea, and too much tea intake causes stomach cancer. Oh yea, and eggs cause cancer.. then they don't... then they do. Oh yea, and cancer can still spring up if you live in a bubble for the entirety of your life.
Firstly, if you look online there's a handful of disgusting pictures of disfigured teeth and gums. Mostly from origin of places in which toothpaste and flossing is considered witch craft. Look up the number of people who have died from smokeless tobacco ('smokeless' is an extremely loose term, to your advantage if you're looking for such a thing, let alone dip; which is a subgroup of loose leaf, plug, snus, etc.) and you'll find a couple people. A guy who died in high school years back (from a freak accident in which he somehow got cancer in his tongue and somehow mysteriously spread to his lungs, or heart, or something!), and of course probably 3 people who do speeches across the country who have lost their mouth to cancer. And in all honesty, if you asked those people how much they did it, they'd probably tell you somewhere around the order of about 2 cans a day.
Wow, this makes me sound like I'm a hopeless addict who will probably loose his life to some kind of tobacco cancer.
I need a fucking DIP.