25 February 2009

On the Wagon/Watch Your Back

Ok, I read Justyn's rant on dip. All valid points to a critical, objective thinker, and I agree with most of it. I just thought you (Justyn) were the one that wanted to stop, so I blogged some inspiration to get us going. But I don't care, I like it and we'll just stop doing it excessively I suppose.

Also, I'm sitting in an International Business class right now and we started talking about how a lot of fast food restaurants are actually outsourcing the work of employees who take orders from the drive-thru intercom to other places. Wow, did not know that. And it reminds me of that stupid self-serve order machine at the Carl's Jr. 

1 Comment:

  1. Justyn said...
    Actually, I was a little drunk still when I posted that. After writing that all out, I was extremely temped to delete it. It makes me look hopeless, lost, addicted, etc.

    But seriously, control is key. Control. Same with anything. Alcohol, sex, food, etc. All those come with risks, right? But would you give up all those? Obviously not. You just learn control.

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