19 June 2009

Goin' to the River!

Finally, we're getting out of Santee and not staying in a hotel for the night! Camping this weekend is gonna be a blast and I think the last time I went I was a sophomore in high school. This is a good time to post a blog as all electronics and other forms of communication, including cell phones and laptops, will be shut down for the weekend. Just the guys, beer, and nature.

Otherwise, work has been entertaining and my search for a new pad continues. Finding the right place requires time, and I'm still happily caught up in summer activities to properly devote enough to really find one I like. But I'm close...

Right now I'm just enjoying going to weekly baseball games and working on stuff at home with the bros. I've been torrenting like mad to get parallels on my laptop and run windows and OSX simultaneously. I kinda want to experiment with Windows 7, and I got a new copy of Sims 3 to try out. Also, iLife and iWork have new '09 editions that I want. Once I have a professional looking website for myself, I can start building a new resume and hit the job market again.


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