14 December 2009


Today starts my official week off of work, which I desperately needed during summer when I scheduled it. I was tempted to postpone it since I have so much time coming up for Christmas and New Year anyway, but I also purposefully scheduled it during finals week. And now I'm glad I have the time to study, because so far that's all I've done today and there's still plenty more to do. In fact I'm at State right now and should be here for another 3 hours at least. I'm having fun though without the added work load from my job.

For the rest of the week, I plan on mostly studying for my huge stats final Saturday morning at 8:00. I also have to finish Christmas shopping, re-vamp my resume and get it up on the net. I hope to have an internship by the time January is over. Of course, no vacation should go without some fun too, so if anyone wants to plan some late-night hangouts, studying or not, I'm all for it.

And of course, the weekend was great too. The Chargers are now America's team, and the Holiday Hootenanny came through and was worth all 38 bucks. Although a lot of the sounds didn't translate well for anybody in that arena, Phoenix was really the most fun and lively band, but I would give it to Spoon for being the tightest and best sounding overall. White Rabbits was a nice new surprise, since we hadn't really heard much of them before the show but they played well live. Of course Vampire Weekend was a crowd pleaser, and the coolest part was hearing a lot of new songs that will probably end up on their next album. Manchester Orchestra I never want to see again, they were shit and I stand by that. Overall though, a great show and we'll see if they can top it next year.


White Rabbits

Manchester Orchestra


Vampire Weekend

Intermission Shot (Everyone except Spoon)



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