07 December 2009


Just so you know, the podcasts are going pretty well and we already have three completed. We all agreed to take a little break since everyone is busy with finals, but we will resume after the holiday season madness is over. In fact, since we're waiting for our logo from Tiffany anyway, I'm going to hold off on hosting them until it is completed.

In other news, I and the other show goers are way excited for the FM 94.9 Holiday Hootenanny on Saturday. I've been listening to Manchester Orchestra and White Rabbits the last few weeks, who are pretty good, but I can't wait to see the more familiar (and better) Spoon, Vampire Weekend and Phoenix. Free BBQ before the show, and I'm sure we'll visit Porter's Pub while we're pre-gaming.

Also, I've gotten a good deal of my Christmas shopping done already and I hope to have it totally finished before the last day of Chanukah (the 19th). I have the entire week of the 14th off so I'm going to be busy with that, my two finals, and other fun I hope comes up.


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