04 April 2010

Easter Quake

Wow, that was a little scary. It's been a ground-breaking Sunday so far: Easter service, new guitars, and 7.2 earthquake. Maybe it was actually the aftershock of a giant stone being rolled from someone's tomb! Haha no, that's silly. It was likely the San Andreas Fault. Anyway, I'm not much of an organized church-goer anymore but I do enjoy Easter Sunday and I come home feeling pretty god. I mean good.

This year was even better though because I chased that pious feeling with new baseball gloves and guitars from Grossmont Center. I finally got my got my new (factory sealed) SG and Sunburst Telecaster, although I had to physically go into Guitar Center for the third time and pay the guy a visit. I'm not quite sure how long they'd been in their store, but he definitely had them and DIDN'T give me a call! Oh well, he was a pretty nice guy anyway, just not a business man. He thought it was cool that Everett, Mark and I were all jamming in the acoustic room for a while. After that, we walked over to Sports Authority to buy Mark a new glove. So....can we start playing again?

So the Yankees and Red Sox are on, I'm eating peanuts and drinking New Castle. It's gonna be a goooood summer for sure.

Oh and I signed the lease on my new apartment this weekend, so this is my two-week notice for being a Santee resident : )

1 Comment:

  1. Dizzy said...
    Oh my Gosh!! Your leaving!! :( I am excited for you though! We certainly can't live like we are still 13 and relaxing on Lana's yard until 3am anymore. We grew up! Plus, I'll be leaving in 4 months anyways. But Happy Easter and since you are drinking again I turn 21 on tuesday.... Just sayin... :)

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