01 April 2010

For Real

It's April, finally. Baseball season is here.

If you haven't paid any attention to the Padres during spring training, which most haven't, then you're probably going into the regular season with the same expectations as previous years. And since you probably missed the last couple months of last season, you should be aware, however, that this team is younger, faster, scrappier, and overall more exciting than what we're used to here in San Diego. If you're not on the bandwagon, now's the time to jump on before it's too late and you will be dubbed a front-running, fair-weather fan like the rest of this city. Not this year, maybe not next year, but soon San Diego will be making a run for it and giving the older clubs a lesson in youth and agility, along with pitching and defense. And when that time comes, you can proudly say you were there from the start.

No one really cares or knows anything about baseball; it's boring, slow, and difficult to appreciate. This is Charger town, and no one's going to ditch that party for baseball. I understand that. We like our athletes big, fast, powerful, drunk and draped with gold chains while they plow 13 different women before gametime Sunday morning. God bless America. But the tides have turned and the Chargers' chances, along with their payroll, are in decline. Do you really want to spend another fall with high hopes and quick, cheap thrills only to be let down in the end like a bad stock market pick? I don't.


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