San Francisco was obviously a great escape, but it felt kind of ordinary. Even though I haven't been there since May I think, I just blended in like one of the locals and didn't get too much excitement outside of the partying. That's probably why I ended up doing my entire database modeling project while I was there...
Friday night I landed around 9 and made it to the house by 10. I guess they had been going since 6, so it was in full swing once I strolled in. It was actually one of the bigger parties but I still got in a sweet game of pong with this other guy from SD that went into triple overtime. That really was the highlight, and after it proceeded into some guys fighting over something stupid, others doing lines of Reel Big Fish CDs, and then a random stray dog entering the house. It had weird tumor thing on its neck, so no one liked it and they kept throwing it out. Kind of sad but necessary. Once it hit three or four, some of us were ready to crash and others weren't, so there was no way I was getting a couch upstairs. I was feeling kinda bummed when I remembered the couch downstairs in the garage. Success! That was, however, reason number one for sleeping with the rats.
Saturday morning I slept until about 11, got up, did my best to shower in the sink, and headed to school to start my project. Nice walk actually, I stopped on Ocean for my typical bag of fruit, chips, an Vietnamese sandwich. The library was totally under construction and shut down, and I didn't feel like walking to the temporary one they set up all the way over by the police station. Luckily the student center was open and I cracked open the project syllabus for the first time to get some good headway. I also napped a lot in those chairs that start comfortable and end up like bricks. They ended up kicking me out of there before closing, so my last option was Borders at Stonestown mall. Always crowded at Seattle's Best, but after a minute I scored a table and got a couple more hours of work in. I figured I had done enough for the day so I made the trek home in time for Saturday night beer pong, which usually starts around 3 or 4. One guy that I beat punched a hole in the drywall, another one kicked a chair into the window and just CRACKED it. He decided that wasn't good enough and ended up just kicking it in. Keep in mind this is on the top floor in the living room. After such a large bash on Friday, we just played at home for a few more hours and chilled before heading to another party in the Sunset. We left around 10:30 I think and had to take the 29, which stops running around 12:30. Therefore we got there, made the rounds for an hour or so, and then had to leave to catch it home. On the bus ride back, called up Red Sea, smoked and ate before calling it a night. Of course, with a broken window now and night time temperatures around 45 degrees, I wasn't going to sleep upstairs Saturday night either. Reason number two for sleeping with the rats...
I at least woke up a little earlier on Sunday morning, around 9, although I now knew I had caught some bad germs over the course of the last two days. I still needed to finish that project and I wanted to go downtown so I headed for the library on Powell. Closed. So I went to the Apple store (I now own a mighty mouse) and H&M, got lunch at Sam Wo and went to the Borders in Union Square where I pretty much finished the whole thing. Of course, when I got off BART at Balboa Park to walk 3 blocks back home, 4 guys followed me and might of done something had I not made it to the front steps just in time. Seriously 1 minute later I looked out and they had got some guy just walking out of his house. On that note, I took off for SFO and put some finishing touches on the project while waiting for my delayed flight. Finally, back in San Diego!
Honestly, it was a fun trip but it felt kind of unnecessary. And I definitely caught something gross there, and I've spent this week trying to rid it from my body. It's good to be home again.