16 March 2009

Time Out

With my PDR meeting on Thursday and nothing to worry about school-wise, the weekend was pretty fun and relaxing. And actually, I don't recall it stinking very much, no matter how much I wanted it to. For that I am now grateful.

There really wasn't too much going on except hanging out at Ryder, both the Friday night routine and the Saturday night St. Patrick's celebration. That vertical epic was kinda meh. Everyone except Justyn and I bailed on Hot Shots. Practice got cut short Saturday afternoon. Alex got beat up. Actually this weekend was pretty shitty...

...BUT...The computer is, for the most part, ready to go (thanks Bellwick). And I found myself for most of the weekend just wanting to stop what I was doing and go home to write. Which I did. And THAT salvaged the weekend.

Saturday's Scores:
Venezuela 3 @ Netherlands 1
Puerto Rico 11 @ USA 1

Sunday's Scores:
Japan 6 @ Cuba 0
Korea 8 @ Mexico 2
USA 9 @ Netherlands 3 (Netherlands eliminated)

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  1. Martin said...
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