28 August 2009

Fall 2009

Ahhh, finally the Fall semester is upon us. Although this has been the hottest, most miserable week this summer it still feels like the season is going to turnover soon.

I have a total of 7 units this semester and I'm hoping to finally have some FUN with classes instead of putting too much on my plate and being completely overwhelmed. I only have class Monday, Wednesday and Thursday so I get a little break in the week. And since this the last little bit of my major, I'm expecting to get some good grades for a last-minute GPA boost before applying to grad school somewhere.

For the first time since Fall 2007 (man, that shouldn't feel like ages ago, but it does, and it was) I'm going to buy a trolley pass and ride without having to watch my back or look over my shoulder. The amount of money I paid in trolley tickets was foolish after all. I will be an adult and pay my fair share like the rest of society : )

23 August 2009

G1 vs. MyTouch

Since we started talking about the differences between the G1 and the MyTouch (what we call the G2), I decided to look it up and pin down the specs on both once and for all. Here's the best article I found:

It basically says that everything is the same on the phones except for the obvious lack of physical keyboard on the MyTouch, as well as better battery life and a slimmer design. One forum stated that the G2 had more RAM, but I looked it up and it's not true; both have 192 MB. So I still think it stands that the G1 is the better phone, unless you insist on having the ''hippest'' phone available.

It also got me interested in jailbreaking the G1, which would allow apps to be installed on the much larger micro SD card rather than the internal memory. My G1 always runs best when nothing is installed, so this would definitely make for a smoother-running phone.

19 August 2009


Since I got my G1, which has been satisfactory but expensive for the most part, the one thing it lacked for me was e-mail. I've always used hotmail, but using all the Google apps and services required that I create a Gmail account when I bought the phone. It has its own Gmail app, as well as an E-mail app for retrieving mail from other servers. The problem is that my particular Hotmail account does not support the POP (Post Office Protocol) application-layer standard, which is needed to ''pull'' data across the TCP/IP connection from Hotmail to Gmail(a lot of technical jargon from networking, I know)...that is, unless you PAY for a plus account. Yeah right.

But, I read in a forum that there's a trick to getting around this, which is really just the result of lazy programmers at Microsoft not noticing this ''glitch'': All you have to do is go into settings and turn on mobile updates, get an access code for your phone, activate it and then turn OFF mobile updates. For some reason, this disables the lock and allows messages to be forwarded, or ''pushed'', to Gmail using POP. Neat. Free.

So now, utilizing my one Hotmail address that I've had for 11 years, I can receive the messages in Hotmail and Gmail, as well as on the G1 and Macmail. In fact, you can send me e-mail to either address and I'll get it in both my Gmail box and my Macmail box. I'm hesitant to forward Gmail messages to Hotmail because it may create some loop, but I'll try it. It's cool because you can actually see the forwarding process as the data travels. If you send a message to Hotmail, the actual server gets it first, then Macmail, then Gmail, and finally the G1, all in succession. The whole thing takes about a minute, but it's worth it!

18 August 2009


Per our Green Day conversation Monday night at Second Wind...

While their albums have mainly been produced by Rob Cavallo and themselves, the credits vary from album to album (Green Day did Warning themselves, they used Butch Vig on their latest, Rob Cavallo was on most, etc.)...


ALL Green Day albums have been released on Reprise, minus 1,039/Smooth and Kerplunk! from Lookout!. Record labels really don't have much to do with the actual recording and production of an album for big name bands. Once groups have the money and experience to make the music themselves in their own private recording studios, like Green Day does mostly, labels don't care where or how it gets done, as long as it gets done. They just handle all the marketing and other business aspects so they can bring in their cut.

So, it wasn't Adeline or any other label. Just Reprise the whole time. Look it up. Plus, none of this even really matters to me. I don't care who would ''skool'' me at knowing useless Green Day trivia. I'll play any Green Day song better than any other chump, guaranteed.

05 August 2009


Finally, after my boss was gone for a month in France, I can think about planning my vacation. I had mentioned taking one in the middle of July, but he happened to just ''disappear'' without notice and leave me feeling obligated to stick around. It always surprises me how little I even consider taking one in the course of a year, and the last time I did was more than a year ago when I went to New York with my Dad. Anyway, I want to save one week off for finals and take one week off before school starts again and go somewhere cool! I don't really know where or with whom yet, but it will happen.

Also, parties are gonna be a little less cool since we found out Martin is moving to 'bama to start a new life in the south. The four of us at least got in one last game of Hot Shots last night and shared a final dip. Hope the new area treats you well and you come back and see us sometime!