28 August 2009

Fall 2009

Ahhh, finally the Fall semester is upon us. Although this has been the hottest, most miserable week this summer it still feels like the season is going to turnover soon.

I have a total of 7 units this semester and I'm hoping to finally have some FUN with classes instead of putting too much on my plate and being completely overwhelmed. I only have class Monday, Wednesday and Thursday so I get a little break in the week. And since this the last little bit of my major, I'm expecting to get some good grades for a last-minute GPA boost before applying to grad school somewhere.

For the first time since Fall 2007 (man, that shouldn't feel like ages ago, but it does, and it was) I'm going to buy a trolley pass and ride without having to watch my back or look over my shoulder. The amount of money I paid in trolley tickets was foolish after all. I will be an adult and pay my fair share like the rest of society : )


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