22 December 2008

Finally Refreshed

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated my blog. So much has happened since the last real post and there's a lot to say, but I'll try and keep it as short as possible. 

Last I checked in, I was on the trolley, on my way to take the last final and the biggest one of the semester. School is the reason why I haven't blogged in so long, so I'll start with that. The two weeks leading up to finals were spent preparing for all six of them; making and reviewing flashcards, cheat sheets, and study guides. Lots of late nights and very little sleep. So much so that my body finally caved in and a got a little under the weather. Of course, I was able to bounce back in about 2 days thanks to apple cider vinegar and a lot of tea. Also, the burden on all the intense studying was a little lighter thanks to all the fun study sessions we had with so many different people and places. We all met at Starbucks, other coffee shops, and people's houses to get shit done and have fun at the same time. In the end, I did really well on all my finals and made sure I got through all my classes. I'm so close to graduating and I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. It's really exciting.

Now for the fun stuff. Thursday night after my FIN 323 final, I headed to Parkway Bowl to celebrate with the guys. Had some beer and played pool for a while. Chasing the feeling of victory and relief with Coors Light and Cope was one of the best feelings, followed by a burrito at Sombrero's. Not our first choice, but for some reason Santana's was closed : (. Watched some of The Office with Martin and Justyn, went for a run and finally got some sleep. Great way to start winter break '08.

On Friday, I banged out a productive day at work with nothing to distract me. I don't really like talking abut anything work-related, but it's actually kind of exciting. The boss and I are embarking on a new business venture in which I have to script, write, produce, and edit all of our marketing e-mails, websites, and movies. Oh and it's all done on Mac! Welcome to Final Cut. Anyway, i came home excited for the weekend and got in a good weight sesh before heading out to Fashion Valley with Chris, Martin and Eli. I bought some clothes for the next night and searched for someone to stick a hole in my lip. It was a no-go that night, but I lucked out and found a guy who would do it the next day for $21 because it was his birthday. Guess what age? So it was nice to eat one last NK at Del Taco without having metal scrape my teeth.

Saturday started with carpet cleaning at the Kowalski house. The plan was to be picked up by Chris and the guys to head over to Parkway to finish shopping. My family needed help however, so I had to drive all the way to El Cajon for a vacuum cleaner part, pick up Del Taco, drop it all off at home and then go back to the mall to meet everyone. I finally got there and changed my attire plans for the night, which I ended up liking more. After the mall, we stopped at Santana's to eat, although I didn't : (. Walked across the parking lot, climbed in the chair and got a metal rod stuck through my bottom left lip where the old one used to be. It didn't really hurt, although it's much thicker than the first one and the stud is a little more annoying than the ring. It's kind of growing on me, but once it heals, I'll find something better. After that, we got Justyn outfitted in his cowboy gear for the night, hit up Target and BevMo for the beverage of choice that night and returned to Santee for a rest.

The party wasn't starting until 9:00, so we all met in our formal gear and watched some Office at Justyn's to kill some time. Once we arrived, everything started a little slow until picking up and becoming a really fun night. We all did our shots of 151, some more than others, and basically just enjoyed the Christmas atmosphere with friends. We also found a moment to sing happy birthday to Justyn and watch him have his first drink of alcohol. Way to go big boy. Oh and Martin, Justyn, Ruben, Scotty, and I all did flaming Dr. Peppers. That was cool. Once everything settled down, we cleaned up some and started to crash on the couch. I think. Actually, Justyn and I walked home. Except he didn't want to sleep so he went back to 7-11 to chill with some fine company and eat a 14 hour old hot dog. Happy birthday man.

Sunday was a very nice day as well. I woke up in time to watch the second half of the Chargers beating the Buccaneers in Tampa over at Kate's with Martin and Mike. Hurdle one done: beat Tampa Bay. Now, all we needed was a loss from Denver to Buffalo. So we went, picked up Justyn and ate at Oggi's while watching some of the game. good times, but it looked like Buffalo was going to fuck up once again. Once we left though, Buffalo somehow slowly pulled it off and ended up winning by a touchdown. Hurdle two down: Denver loss to Tampa Bay. Next week is going to be the most exciting football game of the year. Cannot wait. After that, I went home to help unload our Christmas tree. Very nice. After, I went over to Parkway for a private shopping sesh to get almost all of my gifts purchased and wrapped. I only need a few more things, but this is going to be a great Christmas and I'm excited to spend it with you all.


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