08 December 2008

Poor Christmases

I think I'll keep this one short since we took it pretty easy this weekend. Everyone is busy preparing for finals, Christmas shopping, or just in anticipation of all the fun we're going to have during winter break.

Friday night we just lounged around finishing up Season 03 of The Office at Martin's. Kind of a good thing because we had to get shit done the next morning, although I did manage to stay up until 4 am talking on AIM and hanging out with the bros. Sounded like Justyn even eventually went to sleep around 6 because he was doing some hw. Damn bro, that's dedication.

Saturday Chris, Jusyn and I left around 11 to do some errands: return the projector to Office Depot, return the kegs to BevMo (I got them to waive all the cleaning and rental fees because the O ring on the winter lager tap broke : ), lunch at Arby's, then Guitar Center to cash in our free $10 we all got in the mail. After all that, meet up with Martin at the lab for a Saturday session. We ran through everything we know so far and then learned a new one. I think we have a good variety of genres in the music we're playing: some emo-sap pop rock, alternative, dance punk. I even plan on throwing in some classic but tasteful country-sounding stuff. This latest one is kind of gritty, with a drive that comes purely from how hard you strum the augmented, somewhat painful dischords on a clean guitar turned up really loud. No effects, just blood to muscle to impact to sound. After breaking for showers/dinner, we all headed up to attempt Christmas celebrating at Balboa, with a stop along the way at Macy's for Justyn's sweet new jacket. All of downtown was packed and we couldn't find a single space to park (or we just didn't want to drive around for very long looking). We decided to meet Flo at Grossmont to see 4 Christmases, which turned out to be less about Christmas and more about dysfunctionality. Not what we were looking for! Came home, played some game boards, grabbed some Yellow Shack and called it a night. Everyone went home to their cozy, warm beds ; )

Sunday was very unproductive. No Charger game, I woke up around 11 and didn't do much except play guitar until going back to sleep. I decided I should probably get some work done and I wanted to get out of the house so I went to Starbucks to study. Chris and Flo met me there and then we disbanded to our designated dinner assignments: Flo to 99 for family dinner time, Chris and I to Domo for Sushi Sunday with the crew. We all regrouped at Del Taco to help Justyn close up and then relocated to my dining room table for some cyber cafe studying. Fun, productive night.

This is the last week before finals. I have to finish all my preparations and start cramming the information in my head. On top of that, I have to finish my Christmas shopping and get something to wear to Kate's party. All work but very exciting. 


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