04 December 2008

Game Plan Update

I think I'll layout my situation and strategy for December 4th thru December 18th. Here it is:

The week of finals is the 15th of December, six finals in 4 days (Monday-Thursday).

The test in each class requires a different method of study: flashcards (heavy memorization), cheat sheet (can be used on test), or study guide (lost of equations). Could also be a combination of two. Also, certain tests take priority over others based on amount of material to cover, current grade in the class, date of Final, or level of relevance to my career (i.e. do I give a shit about the material). Here are all six, top priority first:

FIN 323 - Cheat Sheet - Great class, but horrible Midterm 1 grade requires an A on both Midterm 2 and Final.
IDS 483 - Flashcards - Favorite class, tons of memorization, current grade must be sustained/improved
IDS 306 - Flashcards - Interesting, excellent project grade but weak Midterm 1 grade. Decent Final will clinch class.
IDS 302 - Flashcards, Study Guide - Awesome class, good current grade, just do well on Final.
MGT 350 - Cheat Sheet - Bullshit class, but I kind of need a good grade on the Final.
MKTG 370 - Flashcards - Another BSer and I have a solid grade so it gets lowest priority.

So I have the rest of this week and next week to prepare and study. Throw in a little extra time during finals week for late night cram sessions. As of now, I have all flashcards complete for IDS 483 and I should be finishing IDS 306 tonight. This weekend I hope to start on MGT 350 cheat sheet and maybe IDS 302 flashcards/study guide.

1 Comment:

  1. Justyn said...
    I'm pretty sure everything can just be derived from the Laplace Transform:

    L{f(t)} = [int from 0 to infinity]e^(-st)f(t)dt.

    But really, we'll make it.
    And I firmly believe all this studying and cramming right in front of the holidays will make them even more sweet :)

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