31 December 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas this year seemed laid back and exhausting at the same time. Maybe it was because I was still recovering from finals, or maybe it was due to the rainy weather. Regardless, there was just so much going on and flew by in a flash.

The entire family gathered at our house this year, with a new twist aimed at relieving the overwhelming nature of Christmas morning. Instead of all getting together and opening a mountain of presents under one tree, the many small, immediate families opened together at their own houses and then met at our house for dinner. Also, the adults only bought presents for the kids this year, nothing for each other. I was still considered a kid : ) I had a lot of fun seeing the family and hanging out with all the cousins every night.

Other than that, I pretty much just took it easy. Did some shopping, saw some movies, played some games. That's about it. I'm really looking forward to the New Year.


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