01 December 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

As many people know, it's been a wild last few days during the Thanksgiving holiday. Here's what went down:

It was a short week for my normal routine so my adventure started on Wednesday afternoon. I went to work and then routinely left for school only to find that quiet, deserted campus that comes around during holiday breaks. It was overcast and somewhat erie, but also ominous of the events that were to come. After turning in a networking assignment, the class was promptly dismissed and left me with an extra hour or so to kill. I ate some dinner and did a little studying, just to keep up during the break. School was even more quiet when I went to my 7:00 class, but we only lectured for about an hour and then the weekend finally began. My family was already on their way to the airport so I was stoked to come home to an empty house that would be my playground all weekend. I ended up playing Sims all night with Flo and left the initial preparations for Thanksgiving Day.

Thursday, Thanksgiving, I woke up and did a little work on the house, mostly tidying up, hiding the breakables, vacuuming, and ''boarding'' up the doors with blankets. Dinner at my aunt's house was at 3, so I went with Flo to get some groceries and such for Friday and then took a shower before heading over. The food was great and the atmosphere was low-key and laid back. Very enjoyable. When I returned home, the REAL adventure began. Martin and Justyn came over with the bar and we set it up in the kitchen, along with a well-lit beer pong stadium in the back yard. Chris came over after his Thanksgiving with all the mixers and bar accessories. It was beginning to look legit, especially with all the rope light we found (thanks Mom :) ). We settled down to watch a little Office Season 03, but Chris had to work so we stopped a little early. Justyn also had to get some C++ done, so he went home for a while leaving me and Martin. We were all planning on hitting up the doorbusters in the early morning with Flo, but we weren't sure when that would happen exactly. I don't think either of us felt like sleeping anyway so we just stayed up, chilling in the bar we created. I even went on a run to kill some time. After we both scoped out some of the lines forming around east county (both Santee and Parkway Best Buys and Office Depots), we met up with Justyn again, laptop in possession, to head to Best Buy at 5 am. At this point, I don't think any of us except Flo had been to sleep yet. Best Buy FAILED to offer me a projector, so we left for Office Depot and picked one up. Then we went to Parkway, shopped (bought some shoes), and stopped at McDonald's on the way home for McMuffins. After a quick disbandment, Justyn took us to get the kegs and liquor from BevMo. We brought them home, and rest of the day was full of final preparations, errands, sound and light checks, etc. The final calm before the storm was upon us and the ultimate explosion looming...

You'll notice no paragraph break between Thursday and most of Friday in the story above. This happens when fun replaces sleep. Friday night deserves its own section anyway.

If I do say so myself, we had a great setup at the party. Originally, I had wanted a large quantity of people, just to say the party got that big, but with everyone pitching in, quality prevailed in the end. It was really nice to see more friendly, familiar faces around than a bunch of random people. Elements I think turned out the best and made the party: the bar (with Chris at the helm), the beer pong stadium (glass table, awesome lighting, MGD keg), and the playlist w/ itunes visualizer (not repetitive, good variety, energetic yet sophisticated). There was such a warm feeling in that kitchen with everyone around, having drinks, baking pumpkin bread, etc. I loved it. Of course with alcohol comes the invitation for hot heads and swinging fists. Some moron with a fucked up head or too much to drink thought my house was his, but thanks to some great guys he wasn't able to kick in my door. I remember at one point really wanting all of the riff raff to leave and call it a night. But once it was just the Santee boys, I got a second wind and cranked the MGMT up. The goal then became to drink anything that Chris made and like it. I probably would have drank myself dead if Flo hadn't rescued me. A bunch of people helped clean up the kitchen and then took off to Denny's, but I must have passed out on the couch in exhaustion. Great night.

Chris and Martin cam to wake me up around 1 pm on Saturday. I fell asleep fully clothed, woke up, and just continued on as-was. We grabbed some Santana's, cleaned up a bit, jammed a little, then the crew came over to play pictionary and drain the keg. WAY fun.

Sunday, my mind was swimming with all that had taken place the last couple of days, but I felt pretty good and went to go meet with my 306 group to prepare our final presentation for Tuesday. Things went smoothly and the time seemed to fly by. Sometimes I don't realize how burnt out I get with all the work and school, and a long break really helps. When I finished, I drove around town returning unneeded party supplies before meeting everyone for a small sushi sunday. Weekend over, time to pick up the fam. from the airport. I think they all knew about the party, except my dad, and were really impressed at how clean the house was. My dad had a talk with me about how I should just be honest with him; he wouldn't really have minded me having a party if I just told him. I'll remember that.

So we all had our fun, now let's get our head back in the game and, as Bell would say, get shit done. School, work, music...I just have to say that life rocks right now, and on Valentines day we are going to have an album to tell you all about it. Only three weeks left in this fantastic semester. So get it done and we'll do it all again on December 20th, the official first day of Winter Break '08! Cannot wait.


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