24 November 2008


Looks like we drank little or no alcohol this weekend and still had a blast. Here's what we did:

Friday night broke my routine a bit as the pool was closed for maintenance and I couldn't do my after-work swim that gets the weekend off on the right foot. I had to settle for weights. Anyway, we met up at the Trolley Center for a Christmas lighting winter celebration. Well, what Santee, or Southern CA, can call winter. Not very impressive, but Chris won $20 bucks to Oggi's and Martin $50 to Jamba Juice. Two of my favorites, score! I was only there for about 15 minutes before we left and had dinner at Filipi's (Phil EE PEES?). It's new in Santee and honestly, the pizza SUCKED. It was a decent place, but I've heard the one in Little Italy is the real deal. Maybe we'll venture out there sometime, but I doubt we'll return to the one close to home. We spent a pretty quiet evening starting season 03 of The Office and called it quits pre-marathon status. Most of us had stuff to do the next morning.

Saturday I took off for school around 10:00 am to meet with my 306 group and it kind of fell through. But it was an easy task and I was glad to not have to stay there for more than an hour. Flo wanted to go shopping but then had other plans, so when I got home I just hung around until we could start recording for the day. We actually had to pick up some computer parts for the lab at Fry's, so we jammed a little first and then took off. We returned and only recorded part of the song, but it will be completed next weekend. After some convincing (a lot actually), Flo was down to go to Fashion Valley with me and Chris. I returned that awesome red jacket to GAP in favor if a black hoodie at H & M, which is more my style anyway. By the time we were ready to leave, we were all three pretty hungry. This led to the events of the rest of the night:

Nathan: "I say we go to Oggi's and redeem the crappy pizza from last night."
Chris: "Meh."
Flo: "No."
Nathan: ''Why don't we just go to Cotijas, we never go there anymore. 
Chris: "I'm down."
Nathan: "You want Cotijas Flo?"
Flo: "No."
Nathan: "Well, what do you want Flo dear?"
Flo: "I want JJ's..." (in whiny princess voice)
Ok, so here's her first mistake. Suggesting something she wants, ASSUMING it can't or won't happen, as if WE are the ones who are not going to be down. Especially when it's such a fantastic idea. Learn from this mistake, Flo.
Chris and Nathan: "OH FUCK YA, WE ARE GOING TO LA TONIGHT FOR JJ's! Great idea Flo, you rock!!"
Flo: ''We are NOT going to JJ's!" (in angry princess voice)
Chris: ''Think we're NOT!?''
Nathan: "Chris, call Martin and Justyn. Tell them to get Sheila and get ready to go. We're taking Summer."
Flo: ''This is totally impractical. I am not going."
Chris: "Oh, you're going. It's not even a question"
Flo: "Me and my big mouth..." (in relenting princess voice)

So of course, we all bolted for JJ's in Monterey Park. Watched some Office season 01, listened to music, etc. Food was expansive and delicious, and I think everyone except Flo ate until their stomachs screamed furiously. 

Sunday was beautiful. Played some catch at the park for a while, started our dream house on The Sims, and then watched the Chargers lose a heart-breaker to Indy at Kate's. I went home and was all set to get a ton of HW done, but I ended up losing all of my energy and motivation so I just went on a run and called it a night. Great weekend though.

I guess I should also mention the party on Friday. See flyer.


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