10 November 2008

Manic Monday

Well, not really that manic but I do have a big midterm at 4. I do need to study hard before then, but I've already been taking a little time each day the past couple of weeks to review the material, which I usually don't do. Hopefully all goes well.

Very busy weekend. All the bullet points can be seen in Chris's post, but I'll go into detail on some of them. Friday was good clean fun (for most of us). Went for a swim at the Y. Almost got hooked up with Kim :/ Got some tapioca and chicken with Flo, Martin, and Chris. Mark had his birthday party and we all just hung out and played rock band inside all night. We then went to go look for ghosts with no success because there are no ghosts in Santee thanks to me. We discussed our progress with running and it seems like everyone is doing well and should be ready for this marathon in May.

Saturday morning we all awoke with no alcohol in our system for a change, which did make for a very productive day of writing and recording music. I consider myself more a technical musician, a fundamentalist if you will, but what little creativity I have seems to be flowing very easily right now. The biggest reason is that I'm just having fun with it and not over-thinking. 
I finally got my Wing back! At this point, it felt like more of a relic but it's still very functional. I even rocked it Saturday night instead of the G1. After picking it up from Tran, we went to Fashion Valley and I spent too much on way sweet jackets. Did I buy the wrong color? I may have...

After a short discussion, we decided that after a night of sobriety, drinking was in order and would not break our stride. Chris consulted the G1 bartender and our drink for the night became the Green Demon. I don't really remember what it consists of exactly but it's a green shot with a very sweet after-taste. Along with Miller light, the fun was flowing all night until we caravanned for the taco shops. Justyn, Garrett and I went to Yellow Shack, the official mexican food of late night drunks. The rest went to posh Santana's and supposedly sang a ton of karaoke on the way. Our trip was more meditative and spiritual as we drove the rural back-roads of Santee in the early morning rain, thanks to Beck. Much cooler. When we got home, a small storm stirred up outside and made for an awesome late night/early morning atmosphere. Then bedtime.

On Sunday, the Chargers finally got a win against the Chiefs. Neither team played well, although the Chargers did play well enough to win by one point and the defense did show improvement under Rivera compared to the last few games. We watched it at Kate's house and ate enchiladas, which were awesome. Her dad is hilarious and all of her family is really cool. After a brief intermission, we met up again for Sushi and Iron Man. Good movie, especially on Blu-Ray and in spite of limited sound. I even got some studying done while watching it and ate some delicious kettle corn. Yay. 

At 1:30 am, went for a pretty good run with Justyn, slept a few hours and now I'm writing this to try and capture it all. 


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