11 November 2008


This pretty much came out of left field, but we all stayed up until 5 am watching season 2 of The Office to celebrate Veterans Day. You know you have great friends when you can all get together on a Monday night, regardless of what everyone does or doesn't have to do the next day. Obviously, all are not capable of surviving an Office massacre. And I've even SEEN all of these episodes multiple times, but I never laughed as hard as I did watching it at 3 am this morning. Laughter is certainly a contagious disease. 

Not to get all emotional (I know that's not what these blogs are for) and it's not really in me to express myself like this anyway, but I have to say life really feels good right now. It's definitely due to my friends and the experiences we share together, but also a change in my own attitude. I don't think anything can bring me down inside anymore: not school, not work, not relationships or family, it all seems insignificant now. More than anything, I just feel content with who I am and what I'm doing with the little time I have. Life is too short and too good to be wasting it worrying, fighting, crying, or even sleeping...

Yes, me and Justyn did our run at about 5:30 this morning after staying up all night. I'm not going to lie, we are champions of the night, and now the morning as well. My body felt really good too, light and strong in the early morning cold. By the time we made it up to the school and turned to head back east, the sun was starting to come up and illuminate the November sky. As many times as I've stayed up late enough to watch the sunrise in the morning, it's a whole different experience running towards it as it happens. 

It's also a strange feeling when you can't tell when one day ends and the next begins. Sleep makes each 24 hour set so definable. But when you decide to just keep going you cross a certain threshold and make it into a whole new dimension. I wish I could remember all of the thoughts that went through my head while we ran, but I seem to have come down from that high and I wouldn't be able to accurately put it in print with the same effect anyway. I realized though that as much as I abuse my body, it will probably come back and destroy me later in life. Not really ME though, just the casing that houses me. My essence will always continue to grow, and I enjoy the tradeoff.

And so I'm now sitting at work and have typed everything that has already happened to me for November 11, 2008, Veterans Day, at 9:00 am while people are still rubbing sleep out of their eyes. What a life.

1 Comment:

  1. Martin said...
    Hi nathan

    umm it's Martin
    I don't know if you remember me
    but I was there when we watched the office

    haha good times I could watch every one of those episodes again

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