06 November 2008

Partners in Crime

So along with blogging, it looks like running may be new in-thing. Justyn has started running with me late at night, and so far it's been pretty enjoyable. I always run alone, and as big a part of my life as routine and structure are, it's nice to do something different by running with other people.

It's also refreshing to see people take an interest in their health to coincide with all the drinking, smoking, and dipping we do. As good (or bad) as running makes us feel and look, what it does for your insides is more valuable. Hopefully we all live longer, stronger lives because of it. 

Also, congratulations to Adrian Gonzalez, who won the National League Gold Glove for first base. In an incredibly disappointing and embarrassing season, you provided the only talent and pride we could call our own in San Diego.

1 Comment:

  1. Justyn said...
    By the way I decided that giving up dip and alcohol, AND running is too much.

    So I've accepted dip back into my life.

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