02 November 2008

Sunday Night Blog

I'll probably be doing these long blog posts on Sunday nights for a while now: one, I'm usually too busy or passed out most of Friday and Saturday to give any updates. Two, I've made Sunday my Charger game/all day study and HW-fest here at State where I'm sitting right now. So let's get to it...

Friday afternoon, doing nothing at work, talking to Chris on the Nokia and BOOM! The G1 hits my porch like thunder by a man in brown short shorts. So I leave work to get it and that's how I spend the rest of my productive work day. So what do I think so far?

Definitely a sexy, functional phone. However, it's a rookie. Just got called up, has the potential and the flash, but still working out a lot of the bugs. We found out that the 3G isn't available east of La Mesa, which is awesome for us Santee folk :( Dumb bitch at the T-Mobile in the mall explained it all so well to me! But I actually get it pretty good most other places and it's pretty fast when I do have it. Most of the frustration comes when you can't get a signal at all. The apps are useful and plentiful though. There's a ton already and more being added everyday. Cool.

Awesome fun party here on Friday night with costumes just as cool, maybe cooler, than last Saturday. For sure, we partied about 53% harder. The Woo-Woos got us started right (thanks G1 for the tip ;)) and there was a ton of beer. See pic, enough said. I ended up getting separated from everyone and stumbling around the college area on my own in search of a burrito mecca. I found it sure enough, and even had the sense to find everyone outside before they drove away to their warm beds in my own car! 

Took it pretty easy on Saturday. Went to get the wing fixed, which is almost complete although it's not a huge priority now. Went to hang out/jam at Justyn's and instead got treated to a feast at Barona Buffet by his parents. Thanks again! Zack and Miri Make a Porno was hilarious and pretty feel-good if I do say so myself. Honestly, for as sleazy as it comes off to people, it had a good story and was shot really well. Loved it.

So that's about it for now, I'm just about to wrap this up and head home. I think Justyn may join me for a jog and Martin is now in the Santee bloggosphere talking about the Rock and Roll Marathon.. We're gonna run it in 7 months, so time to get ready...chumps ;).


1 Comment:

  1. Justyn said...
    I think I lost a calf muscle between West Hills and the bridge.

    I'll cruise by in my ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR tomorrow to check for it.

    And see if I can't find the rest of my femur up there too.

    If you're not getting the clever puns, I'm in pain.

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