16 November 2008

Nathan Three Point Oh

So another eventful week and weekend has passed, time to reminisce. 

On Friday morning, 12:01 AM, we all saw Quantum of Solace at Grossmont. It was alright, but Casino Royal seemed like the better of the two. After a few hours of sleep and a day of work, we gathered on Friday night to finish season two of The Office at Flo's. All the men drank redline and laughed until dawn. I left around 4:30 or so and went home, still with my chemically-fueled energy. I got some work done, watch a couple episodes of Entourage, then went on a Saturday morning run at around 5 to watch the sunrise. The cool thing was that it felt just as good as earlier in the week, except that it was Saturday and I didn't have any school or work when I got home. Great feeling! 

I rested a bit and headed to Justyn's for another recording session. I don't think music has ever come so easily and I feel privileged that everyone is having fun playing these little tunes I come up with. After Santana's and a shower, we went to the new Henry's and bought some beer. I tried experimenting with ''monkey beer'' for Justyn, but it didn't turn out very well. I apologize. My mistake for the night was the peach rum (more on the effects of liquor on Nathan at the end of the post). I don't really remember much from Saturday so we'll just move on.

Sunday was Sunday. Ditched my group at SDSU in favor of taco shop with Flo and Chris. We grabbed our stuff and went to Kate's for the Charger game. Chris got duped and did not receive his veggie burrito, which was a major buzz kill on the enjoyment of my own machaca torta :( But, we moved on and watched the Chargers lose 11-10 in Pittsburgh. Shit's weak. After a nap with and a VERY weird dream, we all gathered one last time for sushi and called it a weekend.

So, what have I taken away from these experiences? Well, it's nothing I don't already know but something I HAVE to fix now. No more ignoring it. One: I can't drink hard alcohol anymore. It makes me sick, out of control, loud, and I can NEVER remember any of it. Something bad always happens and along with the hangover, the regret is too much to handle the next morning. So no more. Two: Anyone who knows me knows I can be an asshole a lot of the time. Luckily I have friends that can put up with it, but I don't want them to have to do it anymore. I never intend to come off this way or intentionally hurt anyone, but I have an aggressive nature that I developed for myself as a sort of defense mechanism. I realized that I don't need it anymore, so for all who I may have said anything hurtful too or rubbed them the wrong way, I apologize. New Years won't be here for another couple of months, but I'm starting my resolutions now. Nice guy in, bad boy out. Nathan 3.0 is here.


  1. Justyn said...
    Who gets to be the beta tester?
    whocareswgd said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Justyn said...
    As long as you can load emulators, like a Chris Chadwick emulator, or something, then it will be worth the upgrade.

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