27 February 2009


This birthday week could not have been better, and now this weekend is going to be even more celebratory. I decided to post a pre-weekend blog in addition to the weekend update which will follow on Sunday. I'm about to head up to SF for a huge and party and EVERYONE from the past will be there. Everyone is so different now, but I know it will feel the same. Can I handle this?

25 February 2009

Ok, I read Justyn's rant on dip. All valid points to a critical, objective thinker, and I agree with most of it. I just thought you (Justyn) were the one that wanted to stop, so I blogged some inspiration to get us going. But I don't care, I like it and we'll just stop doing it excessively I suppose.

Also, I'm sitting in an International Business class right now and we started talking about how a lot of fast food restaurants are actually outsourcing the work of employees who take orders from the drive-thru intercom to other places. Wow, did not know that. And it reminds me of that stupid self-serve order machine at the Carl's Jr. 

24 February 2009

Dip Head

I will stop dipping for the following valid reasons:

  • It's bad for my mind, blood, gums and heart
  • I think it's draining my daily energy supply and making me lazy
  • It makes me enjoy unhealthy food, both before and after a spit
  • It's a bad influence on my friends 
  • Girls think it's disgusting
  • It's all over Summer
  • I do it when I'm bored, or before class
  • Source of above image: oralcancerfoundation.org
  • It feels great, tastes great with cold beer (preferably Hefeweizen) and makes me feel like I'm in the back roads of Virginia
Ok the last one isn't a great reason, but the rest should be enough to make me forget it.


23 February 2009


This weekend really was one for the books. I don't know how it happened, but along with all the work, friends, fun and adventure came a broad range of emotions I hadn't felt in a long time. And then of course surreal feelings produced surreal events that hit me like a sucker-punch but make perfect sense none the less.

Friday started with a slight lack of energy due to the all night poker party at the Rascon's Thursday night, which was way fun. After work I just crashed for a while but then got myself up to at least start my Wiki for IDS 492. After that, I grabbed some Alaskan and went to Ryder again for some sweet hangout. I actually ended up feeling kinda shitty after a while and left to go fix that over a burrito and discussion of life with Kate. When I returned, everyone was ready for their Santana's trip so I came along. Nothing wrong with eating two burritos right? Maybe I should start thinking so...

Saturday I was NOT ready to wake up at 9, drive to Escondido, eat Jamaba Juice, a pretzel and a bacon western cheeseburger for breakfast, throw some pinches and then take a Stone Brewery tour with free beer. But I did. And it was grand. I'm pretty sure that perfect amount of Stone's starting lineup made for a pretty good practice session because everything felt really tight. After playing around with some of the Wii homebrew, I had to head out to school to get shit done with Justyn, who I know misses the feeling. And I GOT that shit done, so we celebrated with a Panda dinner, and everyone came even if they weren't eating which was really nice. After a quick disband, pajamas were equipped and we gathered around the table for some intimate partying. I'm kind of struggling to put into words how this night and the rest of the weekend felt, and as much as I want to write something descriptive and accurate, it makes sense that I can't. It was just something about the unusually warm weather, the fact that everyone was chilling in their pajamas, and the sense that everyone had had a long Saturday and were in the mood to just veg. But after a swing and a miss on strike three, I also remember laughing at Piper being fat, discussing Android tattoos, watching Kate feed Indy bread, hiding in a small broom closet that no one else could fit in. Ending the night with some hot shots and donuts topped it off.

Sunday was fuzzy in every sense; the clouds covered the sky all day and the weather was warm again, and I woke up partially remembering everything that had happened the night before. I had a ton of stuff I had to do for school, but I just couldn't get started. Luckily I saw a bit of sun as it was setting out on Harbor Drive. Very nice afternoon : ) Following was dinner at Domo with the largest group ever (13 or so?) and then some more Wiki work. I was about to call it a night, but then...well, we don't talk about what happens next...

17 February 2009

Hey Oh

Snow day yesterday was FANTASTIC! I'm actually kind of surprised because I really hate cold weather, but I think it's because I never dress warm enough. When you know you have to be completely prepared and get all bundled up, it's actually pretty comfortable and a lot of fun. There was a ton of snow already on the ground as well as a strong wind with flakes/hail. The whole experience was completely refreshing.

Also, the weekend Valentines Day party on Saturday was pretty cool, and included another trip to Stone for some smoked porter. Friday I had to spend most of my night at school before coming home and crashing. Although I still had work and school yesterday, I stayed out until 4 am drinking, playing poker and getting yellow shack. Probably the better night of the weekend. Nutmeg anyone?

12 February 2009


This week has been the COLDEST. I do NOT approve.

10 February 2009

Zack and Miri is probably the funniest Seth Rogen movie so far, which is somewhat surprising given it can be cheesy and romantic at the same time. Anyway, we all watched that on Saturday night at my house before playing 18 holes of Hot Shots until 4 am. And we had our growlers refilled a few hours earlier and all enjoyed them during, except me; I decided to save my IPA to share with the fam the next night over Indian food. But I did have some tasty Pabst Genuine Draft when Lucas stumbled into my room at 2 am with a soggy 18 pack box and offered me one. Yum.

The night before was all rainy and wet, but it was a nice night none the less. 


03 February 2009

Super Bowl Weekend

I know this post is kind of late, but I'll just do it anyway. 

Friday we partied at the Santee Inn. Martin, Garrett and I stayed the night, woke up the next morning, bypassed the sorry continental breakfast at our hotel and walked about a quarter mile to the Best Western down the road for a huge free meal. As I walked down the street in the clothes I slept in, hood covering my floor-matted hair, I couldn't help but think that this was one of the trashiest things I've ever done in Santee ; )

Despite a crazy Friday night, it actually forced me to wake up early and after breakfast head home to help Mark move into Darick's old room, which freed up the one next to mine to move the lab into. After all the gear was in, Justyn, Martin and I journeyed to Fry's for a video card, and even though it was the cheapest one available, it ended up being needless. He returned it yesterday before we went to La Jolla to chill on the beach. Anyway, once we were bored with setting up, the adults went to Stone Brewery to refill the Growlers and initiate the noobs with their own. I got Pale Ale. We chilled for a little while and drank great beer outside in the garden. That place is awesome. Later in the night, we drank the Growlers in the Beatles pilsner glasses Eli got me for Christmas. Then I went on an adventure, twice, to see the cannon. It's cold down there!

Sunday I didn't wake up until 1:00 PM, but there was still enough time to go shopping and cook a ton of food at my house for the Super Bowl. Lucas and I owned that kitchen by the way, and you're all welcome. The game was good too, even though Arizona couldn't pull it off at the end. But congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Weekend well done.