22 May 2009

I would say this weekend officially kicks off my first ''summer vacation'' in a couple years!

After my lone final last week and my five this week, I'm finally done with this semester and school for Spring. I knew it would feel good to be finished regardless of the outcome, but to be honest I've been worried the past month about some of my grades. I don't mind barely passing the classes I don't care about, but I was at risk of affecting my GPA too much or even having to repeat IDS 396 W, and that would have REALLY messed up my plans for the rest of 2009. Right before my last final last night, I got word that some of the final grades were already posted on webportal, and I was debating whether to check them and risk hearing the seemingly inevitable news. However, something told me to go ahead and check, and sure enough I did fine on all my finals and projects, enough to keep my grade steady. What a relief! So as scheduled, I only have two more classes to take during Fall, which I already checked and they're available during the evenings. It has me wishing I had actually walked this semester, but maybe I'll just wait. It's not really a big deal to me anyway, but I should do it for my mom if nothing else.

It sounds like there's a ton of plans cooking up for summer so it'll be nice to be free for all of it. And I want to start by having a fantastic memorial day weekend. I really want to have a good barbeque, we don't do that nearly enough anymore and we used to have some pretty epic ones. 


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