08 May 2009

2 Weeks Remain...

I see everyone is blogging again so I guess I better keep up.

This semester is REALLY winding down now with only one week left of "classes" and the next week begins finals. I say "classes" because I'm not quite sure which ones are holding meetings and which ones aren't; the ones I actually went to the last few weeks pretty much already wrapped up. Even so, there's not much left except finals anyway so I'm just going to hit them hard and finish this up as quick as I can.

The last two weeks were really a load but provided a finale to most of the courses. I finished two big semester presentations, one last week and one this week. Those cost the majority of my free-time all semester, so I gasped as I finally came up for air when they were over. AND I did pretty well on them; the MGT 405 basically crowned me king of bullshit because everybody knows that class is a joke, unless for some reason you major in management, but I clinched our grade by nailing all the stupid questions they threw at us. The other more useful and relevant presentation went well last night, and I'm just glad it's all over. With the 50 or so page report of our work at designing an information system, at least I have something pretty to bring into interviews now.

After arriving home tired but satisfied, it would have been perfect to top off the week seeing Star Trek with everyone but I had to finish this last SQL project. Man, that shit is a bitch. And it just goes to show how this class is run and how outdated it really is by his instructions on turning it in: "Please turn in before noon on Friday (when there are no classes) and slide it under my office door". So I had spend lunch driving out there just to turn it in. But, again, I'm just glad it's over and I hope I did enough to keep my grade up. I really slacked in that class toward the end.

In a couple hours it will be weekend time though! I'm going to swim after work (finally : /) and then take my entire extended family to Stone tonight for my mom's late but important 50th birthday. I'm down to make it a double tomorrow too. Can't wait to go with Martin, and glad to see your first blog since who knows when!!


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