19 May 2009


I thought practice on Saturday sounded good and was really enjoyable, probably due to the fact that we haven't done it in a while. Even though it seems like we've lost a step, I'm excited to get back into it once school is over, and I want to keep writing stuff so we have new material to play.

I also think we should have our own place to practice during the summer. I say we throw all our money into it and have a fat studio with everything we've ever wanted. We should make a point to record everything in us before it slips away: indie stuff, hardcore, Jetlag, pop punk, whatever. That's living. I want new guitars!

AND, even though I feel like I'm more productive on my own, once songs are pretty much complete we should bring Eli in to play guitar 2 and add more depth.


  1. Justyn said...
    Studios aren't cheap. Even little bitch ass ones that are more like storage's in bad places in El Cajon, they're like half of renting an actual studio apartment, except they're more like a broken down room with a few outlets.
    whocareswgd said...
    I meant more like we get our own house and designate a room just for recording. We're paying rent anyway...
    Elias Rascon said...
    I support this %100
    Justyn said...
    That's what I also thought you might be saying. That would be great. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to reside there, but this would definitely be amazing!

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