24 November 2008
Looks like we drank little or no alcohol this weekend and still had a blast. Here's what we did:
20 November 2008
No doubt I just destroyed that midterm and got the score I'll so desperately need at the end of the semester. Feelin' dandy!
My finance midterm is in about 3 hours and I think I've done everything I can do to prepare for it. Man, it's a LOT of information to take in in one week and demonstrate I know in 2 hours. But like I said, I've actually enjoyed studying it and I plan to do well tonight. So after tonight, and a little group work this weekend, I'll be ready to really sit down and plan Black Friday. I want it to be huge.
18 November 2008
Just sitting in Marketing class and thought I'd do a G1 post. Basically, I have a huge midterm for Finance on Thursday. It's one of those important ones that I have to spend hours every night this week preparing for. Luckily, once I get started I get kind of excited about it and I really buckle down. The way I see it, regardless of what my test grade says, I've learned a ton and enjoyed doing it. That's not to say I don't want to do well. I'm gonna kick it's ass actually.
16 November 2008
So another eventful week and weekend has passed, time to reminisce.
11 November 2008
This pretty much came out of left field, but we all stayed up until 5 am watching season 2 of The Office to celebrate Veterans Day. You know you have great friends when you can all get together on a Monday night, regardless of what everyone does or doesn't have to do the next day. Obviously, all are not capable of surviving an Office massacre. And I've even SEEN all of these episodes multiple times, but I never laughed as hard as I did watching it at 3 am this morning. Laughter is certainly a contagious disease.
10 November 2008
Well, not really that manic but I do have a big midterm at 4. I do need to study hard before then, but I've already been taking a little time each day the past couple of weeks to review the material, which I usually don't do. Hopefully all goes well.
06 November 2008
So along with blogging, it looks like running may be new in-thing. Justyn has started running with me late at night, and so far it's been pretty enjoyable. I always run alone, and as big a part of my life as routine and structure are, it's nice to do something different by running with other people.
04 November 2008
I'm sitting on the couch at home, Nov. 4th, 2008. McCain has just given a speech in Phoenix congratulating President Obama, the first black president in American history. More than the significance of equality now present in our country, I am excited for the transition from an older generation of leadership to one I feel I am more a part of. There is no doubt that our views of race in this country have come a long way, and I won't take for granted the hardships that our ancestors lived through and the way the old world thought in general. So, congratulations to Barack Obama. You have a big job ahead of you and your supporters would love more than anything to see you start turning this country around and leading the world for a new generation of adults.
03 November 2008
02 November 2008
I'll probably be doing these long blog posts on Sunday nights for a while now: one, I'm usually too busy or passed out most of Friday and Saturday to give any updates. Two, I've made Sunday my Charger game/all day study and HW-fest here at State where I'm sitting right now. So let's get to it...