24 November 2008


Looks like we drank little or no alcohol this weekend and still had a blast. Here's what we did:

Friday night broke my routine a bit as the pool was closed for maintenance and I couldn't do my after-work swim that gets the weekend off on the right foot. I had to settle for weights. Anyway, we met up at the Trolley Center for a Christmas lighting winter celebration. Well, what Santee, or Southern CA, can call winter. Not very impressive, but Chris won $20 bucks to Oggi's and Martin $50 to Jamba Juice. Two of my favorites, score! I was only there for about 15 minutes before we left and had dinner at Filipi's (Phil EE PEES?). It's new in Santee and honestly, the pizza SUCKED. It was a decent place, but I've heard the one in Little Italy is the real deal. Maybe we'll venture out there sometime, but I doubt we'll return to the one close to home. We spent a pretty quiet evening starting season 03 of The Office and called it quits pre-marathon status. Most of us had stuff to do the next morning.

Saturday I took off for school around 10:00 am to meet with my 306 group and it kind of fell through. But it was an easy task and I was glad to not have to stay there for more than an hour. Flo wanted to go shopping but then had other plans, so when I got home I just hung around until we could start recording for the day. We actually had to pick up some computer parts for the lab at Fry's, so we jammed a little first and then took off. We returned and only recorded part of the song, but it will be completed next weekend. After some convincing (a lot actually), Flo was down to go to Fashion Valley with me and Chris. I returned that awesome red jacket to GAP in favor if a black hoodie at H & M, which is more my style anyway. By the time we were ready to leave, we were all three pretty hungry. This led to the events of the rest of the night:

Nathan: "I say we go to Oggi's and redeem the crappy pizza from last night."
Chris: "Meh."
Flo: "No."
Nathan: ''Why don't we just go to Cotijas, we never go there anymore. 
Chris: "I'm down."
Nathan: "You want Cotijas Flo?"
Flo: "No."
Nathan: "Well, what do you want Flo dear?"
Flo: "I want JJ's..." (in whiny princess voice)
Ok, so here's her first mistake. Suggesting something she wants, ASSUMING it can't or won't happen, as if WE are the ones who are not going to be down. Especially when it's such a fantastic idea. Learn from this mistake, Flo.
Chris and Nathan: "OH FUCK YA, WE ARE GOING TO LA TONIGHT FOR JJ's! Great idea Flo, you rock!!"
Flo: ''We are NOT going to JJ's!" (in angry princess voice)
Chris: ''Think we're NOT!?''
Nathan: "Chris, call Martin and Justyn. Tell them to get Sheila and get ready to go. We're taking Summer."
Flo: ''This is totally impractical. I am not going."
Chris: "Oh, you're going. It's not even a question"
Flo: "Me and my big mouth..." (in relenting princess voice)

So of course, we all bolted for JJ's in Monterey Park. Watched some Office season 01, listened to music, etc. Food was expansive and delicious, and I think everyone except Flo ate until their stomachs screamed furiously. 

Sunday was beautiful. Played some catch at the park for a while, started our dream house on The Sims, and then watched the Chargers lose a heart-breaker to Indy at Kate's. I went home and was all set to get a ton of HW done, but I ended up losing all of my energy and motivation so I just went on a run and called it a night. Great weekend though.

I guess I should also mention the party on Friday. See flyer.

20 November 2008

Stimulated Economy

No doubt I just destroyed that midterm and got the score I'll so desperately need at the end of the semester. Feelin' dandy!

Bail Out Plan

My finance midterm is in about 3 hours and I think I've done everything I can do to prepare for it. Man, it's a LOT of information to take in in one week and demonstrate I know in 2 hours. But like I said, I've actually enjoyed studying it and I plan to do well tonight. So after tonight, and a little group work this weekend, I'll be ready to really sit down and plan Black Friday. I want it to be huge.

18 November 2008

Financial Crisis

Just sitting in Marketing class and thought I'd do a G1 post. Basically, I have a huge midterm for Finance on Thursday. It's one of those important ones that I have to spend hours every night this week preparing for. Luckily, once I get started I get kind of excited about it and I really buckle down. The way I see it, regardless of what my test grade says, I've learned a ton and enjoyed doing it. That's not to say I don't want to do well. I'm gonna kick it's ass actually.

16 November 2008

So another eventful week and weekend has passed, time to reminisce. 

On Friday morning, 12:01 AM, we all saw Quantum of Solace at Grossmont. It was alright, but Casino Royal seemed like the better of the two. After a few hours of sleep and a day of work, we gathered on Friday night to finish season two of The Office at Flo's. All the men drank redline and laughed until dawn. I left around 4:30 or so and went home, still with my chemically-fueled energy. I got some work done, watch a couple episodes of Entourage, then went on a Saturday morning run at around 5 to watch the sunrise. The cool thing was that it felt just as good as earlier in the week, except that it was Saturday and I didn't have any school or work when I got home. Great feeling! 

I rested a bit and headed to Justyn's for another recording session. I don't think music has ever come so easily and I feel privileged that everyone is having fun playing these little tunes I come up with. After Santana's and a shower, we went to the new Henry's and bought some beer. I tried experimenting with ''monkey beer'' for Justyn, but it didn't turn out very well. I apologize. My mistake for the night was the peach rum (more on the effects of liquor on Nathan at the end of the post). I don't really remember much from Saturday so we'll just move on.

Sunday was Sunday. Ditched my group at SDSU in favor of taco shop with Flo and Chris. We grabbed our stuff and went to Kate's for the Charger game. Chris got duped and did not receive his veggie burrito, which was a major buzz kill on the enjoyment of my own machaca torta :( But, we moved on and watched the Chargers lose 11-10 in Pittsburgh. Shit's weak. After a nap with and a VERY weird dream, we all gathered one last time for sushi and called it a weekend.

So, what have I taken away from these experiences? Well, it's nothing I don't already know but something I HAVE to fix now. No more ignoring it. One: I can't drink hard alcohol anymore. It makes me sick, out of control, loud, and I can NEVER remember any of it. Something bad always happens and along with the hangover, the regret is too much to handle the next morning. So no more. Two: Anyone who knows me knows I can be an asshole a lot of the time. Luckily I have friends that can put up with it, but I don't want them to have to do it anymore. I never intend to come off this way or intentionally hurt anyone, but I have an aggressive nature that I developed for myself as a sort of defense mechanism. I realized that I don't need it anymore, so for all who I may have said anything hurtful too or rubbed them the wrong way, I apologize. New Years won't be here for another couple of months, but I'm starting my resolutions now. Nice guy in, bad boy out. Nathan 3.0 is here.

11 November 2008


This pretty much came out of left field, but we all stayed up until 5 am watching season 2 of The Office to celebrate Veterans Day. You know you have great friends when you can all get together on a Monday night, regardless of what everyone does or doesn't have to do the next day. Obviously, all are not capable of surviving an Office massacre. And I've even SEEN all of these episodes multiple times, but I never laughed as hard as I did watching it at 3 am this morning. Laughter is certainly a contagious disease. 

Not to get all emotional (I know that's not what these blogs are for) and it's not really in me to express myself like this anyway, but I have to say life really feels good right now. It's definitely due to my friends and the experiences we share together, but also a change in my own attitude. I don't think anything can bring me down inside anymore: not school, not work, not relationships or family, it all seems insignificant now. More than anything, I just feel content with who I am and what I'm doing with the little time I have. Life is too short and too good to be wasting it worrying, fighting, crying, or even sleeping...

Yes, me and Justyn did our run at about 5:30 this morning after staying up all night. I'm not going to lie, we are champions of the night, and now the morning as well. My body felt really good too, light and strong in the early morning cold. By the time we made it up to the school and turned to head back east, the sun was starting to come up and illuminate the November sky. As many times as I've stayed up late enough to watch the sunrise in the morning, it's a whole different experience running towards it as it happens. 

It's also a strange feeling when you can't tell when one day ends and the next begins. Sleep makes each 24 hour set so definable. But when you decide to just keep going you cross a certain threshold and make it into a whole new dimension. I wish I could remember all of the thoughts that went through my head while we ran, but I seem to have come down from that high and I wouldn't be able to accurately put it in print with the same effect anyway. I realized though that as much as I abuse my body, it will probably come back and destroy me later in life. Not really ME though, just the casing that houses me. My essence will always continue to grow, and I enjoy the tradeoff.

And so I'm now sitting at work and have typed everything that has already happened to me for November 11, 2008, Veterans Day, at 9:00 am while people are still rubbing sleep out of their eyes. What a life.

10 November 2008

Manic Monday

Well, not really that manic but I do have a big midterm at 4. I do need to study hard before then, but I've already been taking a little time each day the past couple of weeks to review the material, which I usually don't do. Hopefully all goes well.

Very busy weekend. All the bullet points can be seen in Chris's post, but I'll go into detail on some of them. Friday was good clean fun (for most of us). Went for a swim at the Y. Almost got hooked up with Kim :/ Got some tapioca and chicken with Flo, Martin, and Chris. Mark had his birthday party and we all just hung out and played rock band inside all night. We then went to go look for ghosts with no success because there are no ghosts in Santee thanks to me. We discussed our progress with running and it seems like everyone is doing well and should be ready for this marathon in May.

Saturday morning we all awoke with no alcohol in our system for a change, which did make for a very productive day of writing and recording music. I consider myself more a technical musician, a fundamentalist if you will, but what little creativity I have seems to be flowing very easily right now. The biggest reason is that I'm just having fun with it and not over-thinking. 
I finally got my Wing back! At this point, it felt like more of a relic but it's still very functional. I even rocked it Saturday night instead of the G1. After picking it up from Tran, we went to Fashion Valley and I spent too much on way sweet jackets. Did I buy the wrong color? I may have...

After a short discussion, we decided that after a night of sobriety, drinking was in order and would not break our stride. Chris consulted the G1 bartender and our drink for the night became the Green Demon. I don't really remember what it consists of exactly but it's a green shot with a very sweet after-taste. Along with Miller light, the fun was flowing all night until we caravanned for the taco shops. Justyn, Garrett and I went to Yellow Shack, the official mexican food of late night drunks. The rest went to posh Santana's and supposedly sang a ton of karaoke on the way. Our trip was more meditative and spiritual as we drove the rural back-roads of Santee in the early morning rain, thanks to Beck. Much cooler. When we got home, a small storm stirred up outside and made for an awesome late night/early morning atmosphere. Then bedtime.

On Sunday, the Chargers finally got a win against the Chiefs. Neither team played well, although the Chargers did play well enough to win by one point and the defense did show improvement under Rivera compared to the last few games. We watched it at Kate's house and ate enchiladas, which were awesome. Her dad is hilarious and all of her family is really cool. After a brief intermission, we met up again for Sushi and Iron Man. Good movie, especially on Blu-Ray and in spite of limited sound. I even got some studying done while watching it and ate some delicious kettle corn. Yay. 

At 1:30 am, went for a pretty good run with Justyn, slept a few hours and now I'm writing this to try and capture it all. 

06 November 2008

Blogger Joggers

Since we're all on the subject of jogging and blogging about it, I decided I'd comment now after reading some of the latest posts:

I like the rivalry Justyn! East side vs. West side, strings vs. percussion/vocals, short vs. tall...well not really, I guess that's the only only area we're even in. Anyway, even though it's no contest who will come out victorious, as long as everyone is having fun and getting healthier, that's all that matters ;)

Partners in Crime

So along with blogging, it looks like running may be new in-thing. Justyn has started running with me late at night, and so far it's been pretty enjoyable. I always run alone, and as big a part of my life as routine and structure are, it's nice to do something different by running with other people.

It's also refreshing to see people take an interest in their health to coincide with all the drinking, smoking, and dipping we do. As good (or bad) as running makes us feel and look, what it does for your insides is more valuable. Hopefully we all live longer, stronger lives because of it. 

Also, congratulations to Adrian Gonzalez, who won the National League Gold Glove for first base. In an incredibly disappointing and embarrassing season, you provided the only talent and pride we could call our own in San Diego.

04 November 2008

Brave New World

I'm sitting on the couch at home, Nov. 4th, 2008. McCain has just given a speech in Phoenix congratulating President Obama, the first black president in American history. More than the significance of equality now present in our country, I am excited for the transition from an older generation of leadership to one I feel I am more a part of. There is no doubt that our views of race in this country have come a long way, and I won't take for granted the hardships that our ancestors lived through and the way the old world thought in general. So, congratulations to Barack Obama. You have a big job ahead of you and your supporters would love more than anything to see you start turning this country around and leading the world for a new generation of adults. 

03 November 2008

Nov. 3, 1994

Happy Birthday Mark!

02 November 2008

Sunday Night Blog

I'll probably be doing these long blog posts on Sunday nights for a while now: one, I'm usually too busy or passed out most of Friday and Saturday to give any updates. Two, I've made Sunday my Charger game/all day study and HW-fest here at State where I'm sitting right now. So let's get to it...

Friday afternoon, doing nothing at work, talking to Chris on the Nokia and BOOM! The G1 hits my porch like thunder by a man in brown short shorts. So I leave work to get it and that's how I spend the rest of my productive work day. So what do I think so far?

Definitely a sexy, functional phone. However, it's a rookie. Just got called up, has the potential and the flash, but still working out a lot of the bugs. We found out that the 3G isn't available east of La Mesa, which is awesome for us Santee folk :( Dumb bitch at the T-Mobile in the mall explained it all so well to me! But I actually get it pretty good most other places and it's pretty fast when I do have it. Most of the frustration comes when you can't get a signal at all. The apps are useful and plentiful though. There's a ton already and more being added everyday. Cool.

Awesome fun party here on Friday night with costumes just as cool, maybe cooler, than last Saturday. For sure, we partied about 53% harder. The Woo-Woos got us started right (thanks G1 for the tip ;)) and there was a ton of beer. See pic, enough said. I ended up getting separated from everyone and stumbling around the college area on my own in search of a burrito mecca. I found it sure enough, and even had the sense to find everyone outside before they drove away to their warm beds in my own car! 

Took it pretty easy on Saturday. Went to get the wing fixed, which is almost complete although it's not a huge priority now. Went to hang out/jam at Justyn's and instead got treated to a feast at Barona Buffet by his parents. Thanks again! Zack and Miri Make a Porno was hilarious and pretty feel-good if I do say so myself. Honestly, for as sleazy as it comes off to people, it had a good story and was shot really well. Loved it.

So that's about it for now, I'm just about to wrap this up and head home. I think Justyn may join me for a jog and Martin is now in the Santee bloggosphere talking about the Rock and Roll Marathon.. We're gonna run it in 7 months, so time to get ready...chumps ;).