26 December 2009

I'm Still in Tucson

After leaving right after a half-day of work on Thursday, it's been a pretty low-key but entertaining Christmas family vacation. As soon as I got here I immediately started eating: catered Souplantation-style dinner Thursday night, homemade brunch and turkey dinner all day Friday, and leftovers in about an hour. Its really my favorite par since now that I'm older I don't receive a ton of presents like I used to. Now that the holiday madness is pretty much over, my plans are to pay off my hefty credit card bill, fix my PS3 (or possibly buy a new one, not sure yet :/) and build a new computer which will take its spot as the main entertainment source. I also want new Levis, but I'll shelf that for now.

Darick and I are getting up early tomorrow morning to head back to Santee, so see you when we return. I'll leave you with a pic of Kizzy's grumpy husband Spike:

21 December 2009

More Holidays!

As anyone would be thankful for, my long week of vacation finally came to an end. My finals were stress-free, I got 99% of my shopping done and still had time to record a new song with DK. I realized I feel somewhat disconnected without getting up every morning, so I neglected the blog for a while and haven't read much news. And even though I would like this to be my transition back into the swing of things, I have the two following Thursday and Fridays off for Christmas and New Year. Hooray.

As for this week, everybody's gifts are ready to go for our own Christmas exchange. Justyn's birthday is tonight, so everyone should be happy before the Kowalski's drive away to Tucson on Wednesday.

14 December 2009


Today starts my official week off of work, which I desperately needed during summer when I scheduled it. I was tempted to postpone it since I have so much time coming up for Christmas and New Year anyway, but I also purposefully scheduled it during finals week. And now I'm glad I have the time to study, because so far that's all I've done today and there's still plenty more to do. In fact I'm at State right now and should be here for another 3 hours at least. I'm having fun though without the added work load from my job.

For the rest of the week, I plan on mostly studying for my huge stats final Saturday morning at 8:00. I also have to finish Christmas shopping, re-vamp my resume and get it up on the net. I hope to have an internship by the time January is over. Of course, no vacation should go without some fun too, so if anyone wants to plan some late-night hangouts, studying or not, I'm all for it.

And of course, the weekend was great too. The Chargers are now America's team, and the Holiday Hootenanny came through and was worth all 38 bucks. Although a lot of the sounds didn't translate well for anybody in that arena, Phoenix was really the most fun and lively band, but I would give it to Spoon for being the tightest and best sounding overall. White Rabbits was a nice new surprise, since we hadn't really heard much of them before the show but they played well live. Of course Vampire Weekend was a crowd pleaser, and the coolest part was hearing a lot of new songs that will probably end up on their next album. Manchester Orchestra I never want to see again, they were shit and I stand by that. Overall though, a great show and we'll see if they can top it next year.


White Rabbits

Manchester Orchestra


Vampire Weekend

Intermission Shot (Everyone except Spoon)


07 December 2009


Just so you know, the podcasts are going pretty well and we already have three completed. We all agreed to take a little break since everyone is busy with finals, but we will resume after the holiday season madness is over. In fact, since we're waiting for our logo from Tiffany anyway, I'm going to hold off on hosting them until it is completed.

In other news, I and the other show goers are way excited for the FM 94.9 Holiday Hootenanny on Saturday. I've been listening to Manchester Orchestra and White Rabbits the last few weeks, who are pretty good, but I can't wait to see the more familiar (and better) Spoon, Vampire Weekend and Phoenix. Free BBQ before the show, and I'm sure we'll visit Porter's Pub while we're pre-gaming.

Also, I've gotten a good deal of my Christmas shopping done already and I hope to have it totally finished before the last day of Chanukah (the 19th). I have the entire week of the 14th off so I'm going to be busy with that, my two finals, and other fun I hope comes up.

30 November 2009


I know it's been a really long time since my last post, but I was waiting for my next one to have a link to our podcast. As it turns out, it's been a little slow getting it up (TWSS). We have two episodes under our belt, one that's edited and one raw which I'll work on this week. We also plan or recording a third one Wednesday. As of now, we've distributed the MP3 to a few people and heard a few good things, but keep in mind it's a work in progress. I hope to have a lot of episodes under our belt before we post them on iTunes anyway, and before that happens I have to buy a place to host them. I'd like to wait on THAT until after the holiday season. Soon though, be patient...

Thanksgiving was great as well. We had one of the biggest family gatherings ever at our house, including friends who met a lot of my family. Darick came home from Santa Cruz, the AZ cousins hung out all weekend, and we got a ton of Christmas shopping done. The Charger game on Sunday was a nice way to end the weekend.

As for December, I hope to get a lot accomplished. We should have a full swinging podcast, some new homebrew to talk about, and I can start putting this degree to good use. Grossmont during Spring is going to be fun as well. See you there!

13 November 2009

The McRib is Back!

It's a little late I know, but last weekend we all went to the Santee McDonald's to get the famous ''McRib'' sandwich. It felt a bit pathetic to bring the amount of people we did just for a fast food specialty, but the preceding excitement in the air and saliva in our mouths told us that is must be shared with loved ones. This would actually be my first time. Anyway...

Before getting in to the McRib experience, here's a side story. During Oktoberfest in El Cajon, I decided to try the veal sandwich, which I've never had before. It didn't look all too appetizing and it smelled like someone made meatloaf out of bologna, so I decided to load it up with two condiments only: bbq sauce and onions. This was BEFORE my first McRib. And that thing tasted exactly like a real one, which is why...

I'm not really a fan, but I like the price. About $5 for a meal, which I think is pretty cheap for McDonald's. I even got a sweet tea to complement the tangy bbq sauce and complete the southern meal. Everything was as it should be, I just thought it tasted too much like what I had during Oktoberfest so I was put off. Also, I saw one of the employees pull one out of their oven drawer thingy, pre-sauce soak, and it looked like it dripped from the nose of someone with swine flu. Would I eat it again? Yes. 

And here is Eli graciously, and gracefully, hand-modeling the food he's about to eat:

We finally hunkered down and scripted episode 1 of the podcast, ''American History''. We'll keep you updated when it's available, but until then start spreading the word.

06 November 2009

''This is a 12-year-old Pino Grigio''
''Bro, this tastes like water...''
''Ugh, there's floaties in this''
''That was human hair!''
''Oh fuck, there are leeches in the bottle''
''We are going to die : (''

That may have been the procedure of reactions to what was literally something out of a horror movie last night. Our friend Lucas has been getting all kinds of free stuff from his aunt's house, and ''scored'' a big bottle of some white wine (or what used to be wine). It hadn't been opened in 12 years, so we all thought we were enjoying some fine aged spirit. Instead, we ingested 12 years worth of microbial growth. Our first though was that it was some strange, exotic drink that our pallets weren't accustomed to. It tasted slightly of olive oil. We even considered the fact that it may BE some kind of oil, but unfortunately that was not the case. It was truly wine that had gone horribly bad, and after a slight lack of appetite for it, everything went to hell when we poured the bottle out down the drain. Some kind of brown, snotty pulp had filled the bottom and it came out resembling a leech or period blood. 

Everyone instantly became nauseated, glasses fell and shattered on the ground as some needed to exit to go vomit in hopes of evicting the unwanted guests. No one was convinced that that would do the trick, so plan B was extermination by means of Smirnoff and Jim Beam. After that, no one really felt that great about anything. Some were convinced they had been severely contaminated, so we'll have to check in at a later stage for an update.

I'm fairly certain that air had just gotten into the bottle, which was really only half sealed. The other end of the cork was at the bottom of the bottle mixed with the muck. I hypothesize that every bit of organic matter in that bottle (grapes or whatever else it's fermented from) had become rancid and heavy and sank to the bottom. It would explain why what we drank kind of just tasted like water, because that was all that had remained. 12 years of putrefaction (decay) will do that.

Me, I think it's all in our heads.

And the night WAS salvaged by fresh baked cookies and pigs in a blanket. MMMMmmm.

05 November 2009

02 November 2009

To my pleasant surprise, the PS3 laser showed up at work last Friday. I popped it into the system (a very painless procedure I might add) and it's working like new again. It seems there's a decent list of good games out right now that I haven't played yet, so I'm hoping to buy some new ones soon. Best Buy and Toys 'R' Us are running the same special for PS3, 360, and Wii games; buy 2, get the 3rd free. I think I'm most excited about the new Katamari.

The fix couldn't have come at a better time because we all know winter is Hot Shots season. And sure enough, I'm looking out the door at work around 4:30 and the sun has all but set. Winter, winter break 2009 to be precise, is approaching.

Oh yeah and here's my Snoopy and Woodstock pumpkins from Halloween:

27 October 2009

World Series

26 October 2009

23 October 2009

It's been way too long since my PS3 broke and I've finally gathered enough research to determine a confident COA. Here's the scoop:

If you don't already know, one night I went to play some Ridge Racer 7 when the disc, along with other blu-ray tests, wouldn't read. The little spinning icon in the corner just stays on forever. The easiest solution was to open it up and clean the lens, which I've heard has worked for some. Unfortunately for me, it did not. I noticed that not only were the discs not reading but they weren't spinning, which naturally led me to believe that it may be a problem with the motor and not the laser. However, from what I've read, if the laser is bad the disc will not spin even if the motor is functional (the laser shines on the disc, which reflects back and tells the system a disc is present; if this does not occur, the motor will not spin).

So I'm pretty sure this is what I need to replace, but the only issue is how to go about it. I confirmed with repair guys on craigslist that the problem was indeed the laser but I realized there were a few different types of depending on the model of your PS3 (20, 40, 60, 80 GB, 1st Gen, 2nd Gen, etc...) so I had to be sure to get the right one:

The KEM-400AAA (bottom left) is the one I need, and it runs from $50-80 new if I decide to do it myself. I also priced the repair guys, and it will be about $100 for parts and labor.

Maybe this weekend I'll make a decision and get started. I miss playing games and I've heard Uncharted 2 is REALLY good.

15 October 2009

Click for schedule:
Click for Division Series wrap-up:
Boston and New York wasn't meant to be this year. The Red Sox looked pretty bad anyway and obviously aren't the team they were in the past since LA was actually able to get past them. Although an all Los Angeles worlds series would be cool, I'm still hoping for Dodgers-Yankees.

08 October 2009

Click for schedule:
My picks:
Philadelphia over Colorado in 4
LA of Anaheim over Boston in 5
Los Angeles over St. Louis in 4
New York over Minnesota in 3

My Predictions:
Los Angeles over Philadelphia in 7 - NLCS
New York over LA of Anaheim in 5 - ALCS
Los Angeles over New York in 6 - World Series

Baseball is the true reality TV. I really WANT to see Boston and New York in the ALCS for old time's sake. And how cool would it be to see a repeat of the 1963 World Series between Los Angeles and New York, with Torre going back to the Bronx to beat his former team.

05 October 2009

SD Sports Weekend

October feels like it's in full swing now with baseball wrapping up and football underway. Although I'm going to miss the scorching heat of summer, the beach trips and the cold beer, each year I forget how nice Fall really is. Starting Friday, we officially kicked it off in grand fashion:

Oktoberfest, or "OktoBEERfest", in El Cajon on Friday night. This is the more authentic, less crowded version of the La Mesa one which included veal, a mug of Spaten, pretzels the size of your head, and Germany's answer to the Macarena (something about a lasso?)

Saturday we went out to Fry's to possibly buy some new headphones, but we decided we could get them at a much better ''price'' by combining one part Justyn and one part Wal-Mart. Don't know if you're up for a trip, but maybe this weekend. Following was a decent jam session which incorporated a new midi keyboard, although someone needs to get good at it so it can adds something to the music other than noises. After that, we hopped on the trolley to Mission Valley to watch the Aztecs, then back to La Mesa for their Oktoberfest.

Although it wasn't much different than the Del Mar Fair, it turned out to be pretty fun. We saw a dog with a chicken on it (hard to see):

All the German food was starting to get to me and everyone else I think, we left in favor of Santanas. Everyone was pretty tired and called it a night after, but I got called up to Ryder to hang out for a little. And I'm glad I did because now I can share with Justyn the story of how Ruben threw his new glass stein up in the air, at Pops or Chris Coleman or whoever was fencing with badminton rackets, and shattered it all over the concrete. When asked why, he said he loved Pops but naturally, like any true friend, he wanted to see him bleed. Claaasssic Ruben : /
Also, Chris Coleman and Dustin Langmaid were able to put their heads together and conclude that they do not like ''munching on big chunky cocks''. For this I am very relieved, because like most people in Santee I am extremely threatened by homosexuals and prefer the company of loud, incoherent STRAIGHT drunks. Fuck Ya.

The whole weekend was just a pre-game for Sunday, which I had been looking forward to all week. We got up early to go downtown for the last Padre game of the season against the Giants. And although they lost 4-3 in 10, it was a good game and there is certainly more hope for this team in 2010 than we could have expected, judging by how most of the year went.
After the game, we walked right down the street past the convention center to the Hilton and watched the Chargers at the Fox Sports Grill. We didn't even know this place existed but it was pretty nice. The prices and food were good, it wasn't too crowded and they had a ton of TVs.

We were even entertained by a Steelers fan who thought he was at Ye Village Inn and stood up on every play to wave his yellow towel as if he was at Heinz.

So the Padres and Chargers both lost. Oh well. Time for playoffs anyway! Also, we're planning a Stone Barbeque birthday thing sometime in November for Mark.

30 September 2009

Beat LA!

After feeling some pressure to get my portion of the project done and meet with my group at 7 last night while still holding a ticket for the game, I ended up deciding in favor of Petco. Which was the right call because it was the best game I've been to all year.

Tuesdays are pretty much my one ''free'' weeknight. So about a week before I had bought tickets with Chris to go to the game the following Tuesday against LA, but I didn't realize that I also made plans to meet with my group and turn in our weekly project assignment. Typically, it would be a huge guilt-trip to bail out and not come to a meeting, but bailing out on a friend who already paid for a baseball game would be worse. And my group this semester gets things done much more efficiently than those in the past; all the work gets done on our own with as little meeting time as possible. I handled the majority of the work on our last section and earned a 95/100 (should have been a full 100), so I felt I deserved to go to this game. And I did...

...which brings me to this baseball update for the last week of the season. Of course, playoff brackets will follow later but here is where the playoff teams/contenders stand:

Clinched Division:
American League
East - New York Yankees (currently 102-56)
West - Los Angeles Angels (currently 93-64)

National League
Central - St. Louis Cardinals (currently 90-67)

Clinched Wild Card:
American League - Boston Red Sox (currently 91-66)

Clinched Playoff Spot:
National League - Los Angeles Dodgers (currently 93-65)

In the American League, everything is decided except the Central. Detroit is up 2 games on Minnesota with 5 games left. The two actually split a doubleheader yesterday and will finish the series up today and tomorrow. Detroit's magic number is 4, but if the twins can win the final two games of the series they'll be tied with 3 games left. Detroit has 3 against Chicago, Minnesota 3 against Kansas City.

The National League has a few more races going, but primarily for the Wild Card. Division races are interesting but a long shot. Los Angeles is already in the playoffs no matter what, but they share the same magic number of 1 with Philadelphia. Colorado is 3.5 games behind Los Angeles for the NL West. Atlanta is 5 games behind Philadelphia for the NL East. Philadelphia has 5 games left and Los Angeles has 4, and most likely they will win one of these games and clinch their division. Each are 5-5 in their last 10 games...
However, San Diego beat Los Angeles last night and plays them again today. If they win and Colorado beats Milwaukee again, Los Angeles will go into Colorado for a 3-game series with only a 2 game lead. It's more a of a stretch for Atlanta in the East, who is 5 behind Philadelphia and have the 1 more with Florida then 4 with Washington. Philadelphia has 2 with Houston and 3 with Florida.
After all, it may just come down to Colorado and Atlanta fighting for the Wild Card, with Colorado only 1.5 games ahead.

Although my ultimate fantasy is to see Los Angeles and New York in the World Series, I would love it if after everything Los Angeles went in as the Wild Card and were upset by Colorado in the final 3-game series. It looks like I could possibly have both!

21 September 2009


Tough Charger loss on Sunday. It's hard to see the offensive line give no protection to the quarterback, have him still throw for 400+ yards and end up losing. Actually the problems lie in both lines; the defensive line can't stop runs or tackle short passes to save their life. Other than that, the defensive ends looked pretty good and you're at least not watching the long bombs come down for catches too often. I think we kinda saw it coming because they played the same way against Oakland last week and everyone knew Baltimore is no AFC West chump.

For some reason, my internet has completely stopped working on my desktop and is either great or sketchy on my laptop. I'm starting to have my doubts about the AT&T cable, both internet and TV. I couldn't even watch the Chargers in HD because the channel wasn't subscribed, even though it says our package includes it. We're at the point where HD is basically standard now for the big networks, so we shouldn't be having these problems even though the service is so cheap. I think I can find a better deal with better features that my Mom will agree to.

Also, the PS3 is boxed up for good since I discovered the disc drive motor, or whatever spins the disc, isn't working anymore. It's going to cost about $70-100 for a new one, so I have to decide whether that will be worth it or if I should just sell the thing as-is on eBay and put the money towards a Slim or something. I guess I should also return that Blu Ray remote.

And congratulations to Casey B. I got a text early this morning that her baby was born, and I guess it's just natural to feel good about that. Because I did, and it's been a good Monday morning!

09 September 2009

Apple Event

Even on UStream, there didn't seem to be any pirate live streams of today's Apple Event in San Francisco so I was forced to stay updated with liveblogs on Engadget. I think the coolest thing is the new iPod Nano, which now has a built in video camera, FM radio, pedometer and voice recorder. I would consider it over the iPod Touch if I was ever to get a new one.

And in other news, my PS3 is broken (probably the blu ray drive) and Windows won't start on my desktop after installing another new CPU fan. I need help : (

01 September 2009


As a refreshing change, I decided to hang out with my brothers for the majority of the weekend. Actually, it just worked out that the most fun things I did were with them, and my cousin tagged along to join the fun as well.

Everett and I spent most of the time working on my computers, which included installing the latest OS on both. It took all weekend to download Snow Leopard (6 GB with low ratio) but it finally completed, although I haven't installed it yet. From what I've heard, it definitely makes things run smoother and clears up 8-10 GB of hard drive space which will be nice. It only costs $29, which is a reasonable deal, but I torrented it anyway because Mac does not need my money; actually, they already have more of it than I should have allowed...

While all that was downloading on the Mac, me Everett and Chris went to Fry's to pick up a new hard drive and either a new power supply or cpu fan. The fan was definitely what was making all the noise in my computer, but I couldn't really decide if it was worth it to replace it. One, the better fans are really only meant for better cooling for bigger processors, so they wouldn't necessarily be more quiet. Especially in an old Pentium 4. Also, I didn't realize the socket 775 has either a 3-pin or 4-pin connector. Plugging the 3-pin fan, which I ended up buying for $10, into the 4 pins on the motherboard meant that it would spin but not be detected in the BIOS. Therefore, no boot. Also, the stupid snap pins wouldn't fit unless I removed the metal plate that the old heat sync screwed into, and I even tried frankenstein the old and the new to get it to fit. I ended up just going back to the old one, which was much quieter after I cleaned out the cake of dust anyway. So I'll be going back this weekend to get my $10.

I did pick up the Blu Ray remote for the PS3 (sweet) and a 1 TB hard drive. I didn't realized there was an extra bay in the case, so I now have 1.2 TB of space. Installed much easier than the fan. Pretty much spent the whole night drinking some New Castle and installing Windows 7 with Everett, Mark and Yimmit. It took some time to get a few programs and hardware running since a lot of the drivers disappeared or were incompatible, but we got all the essentials done (network card, sound card, graphics card, etc..) because the troubleshooting is really good in 7. The OS runs really nice after a clean install. I like it. Mark had his own project with two old Thinkpads from my uncle, which he cleaned up and installed Obuntu on. He's good at doing well with low resources.

The next day after Chula Vista beat NON-commy China, I went back to Fry's with all three brothers to pick up the CPU fan (which I now have to return) and a new DVI cable for Darick. When we got home, I started to play around with the comp when Mark asked if I wanted to jam with them. This kind of took me by surprise...

Never have we all four played music together. The first thing I did was drag the stack and bass amp back into the music room. Next, I opened up Garage Band really quick and plugged the little mic I have into it. I just hung it on the door outside and didn't tell anyone. Then the magic happened. Mark was on drums, Darick played bass and me and Everett alternated lead and rhythm. We kept doing these long jam songs and alternating instruments; Everett on drums, Mark on bass, Darick on guitar, etc...someone would just start playing and we would add to it and build it up until it erupted, then bring it back down to earth and end it. We did this for a pretty long time, and I got the whole thing on tape. We can all pretty much read each other like a book and it was easily the best jam I've ever played.

28 August 2009

Fall 2009

Ahhh, finally the Fall semester is upon us. Although this has been the hottest, most miserable week this summer it still feels like the season is going to turnover soon.

I have a total of 7 units this semester and I'm hoping to finally have some FUN with classes instead of putting too much on my plate and being completely overwhelmed. I only have class Monday, Wednesday and Thursday so I get a little break in the week. And since this the last little bit of my major, I'm expecting to get some good grades for a last-minute GPA boost before applying to grad school somewhere.

For the first time since Fall 2007 (man, that shouldn't feel like ages ago, but it does, and it was) I'm going to buy a trolley pass and ride without having to watch my back or look over my shoulder. The amount of money I paid in trolley tickets was foolish after all. I will be an adult and pay my fair share like the rest of society : )

23 August 2009

G1 vs. MyTouch

Since we started talking about the differences between the G1 and the MyTouch (what we call the G2), I decided to look it up and pin down the specs on both once and for all. Here's the best article I found:

It basically says that everything is the same on the phones except for the obvious lack of physical keyboard on the MyTouch, as well as better battery life and a slimmer design. One forum stated that the G2 had more RAM, but I looked it up and it's not true; both have 192 MB. So I still think it stands that the G1 is the better phone, unless you insist on having the ''hippest'' phone available.

It also got me interested in jailbreaking the G1, which would allow apps to be installed on the much larger micro SD card rather than the internal memory. My G1 always runs best when nothing is installed, so this would definitely make for a smoother-running phone.

19 August 2009


Since I got my G1, which has been satisfactory but expensive for the most part, the one thing it lacked for me was e-mail. I've always used hotmail, but using all the Google apps and services required that I create a Gmail account when I bought the phone. It has its own Gmail app, as well as an E-mail app for retrieving mail from other servers. The problem is that my particular Hotmail account does not support the POP (Post Office Protocol) application-layer standard, which is needed to ''pull'' data across the TCP/IP connection from Hotmail to Gmail(a lot of technical jargon from networking, I know)...that is, unless you PAY for a plus account. Yeah right.

But, I read in a forum that there's a trick to getting around this, which is really just the result of lazy programmers at Microsoft not noticing this ''glitch'': All you have to do is go into settings and turn on mobile updates, get an access code for your phone, activate it and then turn OFF mobile updates. For some reason, this disables the lock and allows messages to be forwarded, or ''pushed'', to Gmail using POP. Neat. Free.

So now, utilizing my one Hotmail address that I've had for 11 years, I can receive the messages in Hotmail and Gmail, as well as on the G1 and Macmail. In fact, you can send me e-mail to either address and I'll get it in both my Gmail box and my Macmail box. I'm hesitant to forward Gmail messages to Hotmail because it may create some loop, but I'll try it. It's cool because you can actually see the forwarding process as the data travels. If you send a message to Hotmail, the actual server gets it first, then Macmail, then Gmail, and finally the G1, all in succession. The whole thing takes about a minute, but it's worth it!

18 August 2009


Per our Green Day conversation Monday night at Second Wind...

While their albums have mainly been produced by Rob Cavallo and themselves, the credits vary from album to album (Green Day did Warning themselves, they used Butch Vig on their latest, Rob Cavallo was on most, etc.)...


ALL Green Day albums have been released on Reprise, minus 1,039/Smooth and Kerplunk! from Lookout!. Record labels really don't have much to do with the actual recording and production of an album for big name bands. Once groups have the money and experience to make the music themselves in their own private recording studios, like Green Day does mostly, labels don't care where or how it gets done, as long as it gets done. They just handle all the marketing and other business aspects so they can bring in their cut.

So, it wasn't Adeline or any other label. Just Reprise the whole time. Look it up. Plus, none of this even really matters to me. I don't care who would ''skool'' me at knowing useless Green Day trivia. I'll play any Green Day song better than any other chump, guaranteed.

05 August 2009


Finally, after my boss was gone for a month in France, I can think about planning my vacation. I had mentioned taking one in the middle of July, but he happened to just ''disappear'' without notice and leave me feeling obligated to stick around. It always surprises me how little I even consider taking one in the course of a year, and the last time I did was more than a year ago when I went to New York with my Dad. Anyway, I want to save one week off for finals and take one week off before school starts again and go somewhere cool! I don't really know where or with whom yet, but it will happen.

Also, parties are gonna be a little less cool since we found out Martin is moving to 'bama to start a new life in the south. The four of us at least got in one last game of Hot Shots last night and shared a final dip. Hope the new area treats you well and you come back and see us sometime!

06 July 2009

Independence Day

Have we all stopped blogging already!? Yeah I'm guilty too, but it only happens because we're having so much fun and there's no time to waste writing about it. Actually, I had a very long blog about our camping trip saved but never posted it, so I'll finish that up and post it just for fun. Don't want this thing to get too stale...

This really was the most eventful 4th of July in recent years. We started with a big breakfast and champagne around 10:00 AM, although I cracked open my first Corona under the already scorching sun and passed on the food. With the sun, beer, and somewhat clear pool, the afternoon felt similar to those daily summer swims of our childhood. I also made my way home to check out our own family bbq and rest some, since I think I was more out of it than I realized from all the sun and drinking. After heading to 7-11 with Tiffany for more beer and some ice cream for the walk back, I bent over to wash my hands in the pool...I assume everyone made their way to the hill to watch fireworks; I just sat on my roof and then passed out...

...until Kate came and dragged me out of bed and a whole new July 4th started. I definitely had a second wind since the sun had set, but I was afraid to drive anywhere because of all the cops on the roads and the checkpoints they had set up. I really just played pong, ate and did shots until walking back and forth multiple times between there and Ryder. Don't quite know exactly what happened with Lucas, but that was the last piece of drama before the night ended.

So that was July 4th. I'm loving summer and I wanna keep swimming all week. And where did Martin and Justyn go?

19 June 2009

Finally, we're getting out of Santee and not staying in a hotel for the night! Camping this weekend is gonna be a blast and I think the last time I went I was a sophomore in high school. This is a good time to post a blog as all electronics and other forms of communication, including cell phones and laptops, will be shut down for the weekend. Just the guys, beer, and nature.

Otherwise, work has been entertaining and my search for a new pad continues. Finding the right place requires time, and I'm still happily caught up in summer activities to properly devote enough to really find one I like. But I'm close...

Right now I'm just enjoying going to weekly baseball games and working on stuff at home with the bros. I've been torrenting like mad to get parallels on my laptop and run windows and OSX simultaneously. I kinda want to experiment with Windows 7, and I got a new copy of Sims 3 to try out. Also, iLife and iWork have new '09 editions that I want. Once I have a professional looking website for myself, I can start building a new resume and hit the job market again.

13 June 2009


When was the last time I blogged? I've been putting it off and I like to think it's because I'm so busy I don't have the time to recap everything going on...sure, let's go with that.

School officially feels over after ending 3 weeks ago and I like it. Everything worked out as planned; it wasn't my best semester in college (probably my worst) but my solid GPA going into it and superior ability to improvise effort made sure that all the classes were passed and that I even managed to learn a thing or two along the way. I think I already talked about this, but I get a free summer and then I only have two classes in Fall. I'm actually looking forward to it because two other ladies from Santee will be heading west as well : ) Also, congratulations to Eli for graduating UCSD and Justyn for a successful first semester. Let's have a great summer!

So far, times have been good. Despite this June gloom, which makes it feel like we've been living in the Astrodome for two weeks, it's finally starting to feel like summer vacation. I've just been working, hanging out with people and actually starting to work out consistently again. There's a lot to improve on, both physically and mentally, but I'm enjoying the challenge and have to remember to not be impatient. The hunt for a new place to live has at least started, although it's tough to find that perfect one. Initially I was set on moving out ASAP, but I've kind of settled into the Santee slacker lifestyle again so I'm taking my time. I'm hoping we decide on Pravada, which is nice and out of the house but close enough to maintain said lifestyle somewhat. 

What else..Desiree is moving to New York for the summer, baseball on Sundays is the highlight of my week, and we're going to Anaheim to see the Padres play the Angels tomorrow. Times are good.

26 May 2009


For that weekend series when the San Diego is in LA against the Angels, I think we should drive up for the day and go the game on Saturday night. Then we can grab dinner after at you know where. To anyone who is interested, we'll buy tickets Thursday night at poker.

22 May 2009

I would say this weekend officially kicks off my first ''summer vacation'' in a couple years!

After my lone final last week and my five this week, I'm finally done with this semester and school for Spring. I knew it would feel good to be finished regardless of the outcome, but to be honest I've been worried the past month about some of my grades. I don't mind barely passing the classes I don't care about, but I was at risk of affecting my GPA too much or even having to repeat IDS 396 W, and that would have REALLY messed up my plans for the rest of 2009. Right before my last final last night, I got word that some of the final grades were already posted on webportal, and I was debating whether to check them and risk hearing the seemingly inevitable news. However, something told me to go ahead and check, and sure enough I did fine on all my finals and projects, enough to keep my grade steady. What a relief! So as scheduled, I only have two more classes to take during Fall, which I already checked and they're available during the evenings. It has me wishing I had actually walked this semester, but maybe I'll just wait. It's not really a big deal to me anyway, but I should do it for my mom if nothing else.

It sounds like there's a ton of plans cooking up for summer so it'll be nice to be free for all of it. And I want to start by having a fantastic memorial day weekend. I really want to have a good barbeque, we don't do that nearly enough anymore and we used to have some pretty epic ones. 

20 May 2009

Besides the many casual home games at Petco throughout the summer, I went ahead and made a list of all the big games and trips we should be aware of:

San Diego @ LA of Anaheim
Friday, June 12 - 7:05 PM      
Saturday, June 13 - 6:05 PM  
Sunday, June 14 12:35 PM
*Definitely going to at least one...maybe hotel trip, Saturday night and Sunday day game?

Seattle @ San Diego
Tuesday, June 16 - 7:05 PM
Wednesday, June 17 - 7:05 PM
Thursday, June 18 - 12:35 PM
*Nice weekday interleague game

San Diego @ Seattle
Tuesday, June 23 - 7:10 PM
Wednesday, June 24 - 7:10 PM
Thursday, June 25 - 1:40 PM
*Probably a longshot, unless we make another Seattle vacation out of it

Los Angeles @ San Diego
Friday, July 3 - 7:05 PM
Saturday, July 4 - 4:05 PM
Sunday, July 5 - 1:05 PM
*July 4th weekend vs. the Dodgers, sweet

San Diego @ San Francisco 
Thursday, July 9 - 7:15 PM
Friday, July 10 - 7:15 PM
Saturday, July 11 - 6:05 PM
Sunday, July 12 - 1:05 PM
*San Francisco trip, and last series before the All Star break

San Diego @ Los Angeles
Friday, September 4 - 7:10 PM
Saturday, September 5 - 7:10 PM
Sunday, September  6 - TBD
*Last weekend series in LA

Also, for a weekend baseball roadtrip, San Francisco and Oakland are in town together only once, while Los Angeles and LA of Anaheim are in town twice:

Friday, July 31 - Sunday, August 2

Philadelphia @ San Francisco
Friday, July 31 - 7:15 PM
Saturday, August 1 - 6:05 PM
Sunday, August 2 - 1:05 PM

Toronto @ Oakland
Friday, July 31 - 7:05 PM
Saturday, August 1 - 6:05 PM
Sunday, August 2 - 1:05 PM


Friday, July 24 - Sunday, July 26

Florida @ Los Angeles
Friday, July 24 - 7:10 PM
Saturday, July 25 - 7:10 PM
Sunday, July 26 - 1:10 PM

Minnesota @ LA of Anaheim
Friday, July 24 - 7:05 PM
Saturday, July 25 - 1:10 PM
Sunday, July 26 - TBD

Friday, August 7 - Sunday, August 9

Atlanta @ Los Angeles
Friday, August 7 - 7:10 PM
Saturday, August 8 - 7:10 PM
Sunday, August 9 - 1:10 PM

Texas @ LA of Anaheim
Friday, August 7 - 7:05 PM
Saturday, August 8 - 1:10 PM
Sunday, August 9 - TBD

Everybody can choose their faves and we can plan accordingly!

19 May 2009


I thought practice on Saturday sounded good and was really enjoyable, probably due to the fact that we haven't done it in a while. Even though it seems like we've lost a step, I'm excited to get back into it once school is over, and I want to keep writing stuff so we have new material to play.

I also think we should have our own place to practice during the summer. I say we throw all our money into it and have a fat studio with everything we've ever wanted. We should make a point to record everything in us before it slips away: indie stuff, hardcore, Jetlag, pop punk, whatever. That's living. I want new guitars!

AND, even though I feel like I'm more productive on my own, once songs are pretty much complete we should bring Eli in to play guitar 2 and add more depth.

15 May 2009

3rd Molars

I just had my wisdom teeth removed this morning. The bottom two were always a bit irritating, but they ended up taking out all four, which I wasn't expecting. 

The whole procedure really wasn't bad at all, despite all the speculation built up from others' experiences and stories. I was under the whole time (well mostly). I don't think he gave me much of anything during the procedure because I woke up twice; the first time he game a little more anesthesia, second time toward the end he just said "fuck it" and finished up. I can remember opening my eyes, seeing strange colors, and trying to speak, probably to tell him I was awake. It was hard because there was so much shit in my mouth and I was hopped up. Also, the numbness in my lips and chin went away in about 2 hours, while others said they were numb for 14! 

Anyway, it went by really quickly and to make up for the lack of drugs during the thing, he hooked me up with some Oxycodone, the stronger, bigger brother of Hydrocodone (Vicodin). Everything I needed for post surgery enjoyment was in one spot in Santee: Sav-On filled my drugs, Lucky had my hot and sour soup, and Best Buy provided 21st Century Breakdown limited edition. I promptly went home, popped a couple and blasted my first listen. Also Flo brought me ice cream, thank you! : )

I don't take the whole image seriously with Green Day's rock opera trend. But there are some good songs and I enjoyed it. They do know how to record an album, they're veterans now.

13 May 2009

Hyphy Weekend

Three things that get me hyphy:

1. Going to Stone with my mom and then talking about death on the drive back home...weird.

2. Playing baseball for 4 hours and then going to the beach, in 62 degree cloudy weather, to swim in the water.

3. Doing a shot of Hennessy with a pincher bug in it (I assume) and Grey Goose with Martin.

My first final is today, followed by 5 next week. AND, the Fall 2009 schedule has been posted with the two classes I need, both after 5 PM. I'm going to have a free summer and travel to India I suppose. 

08 May 2009

2 Weeks Remain...

I see everyone is blogging again so I guess I better keep up.

This semester is REALLY winding down now with only one week left of "classes" and the next week begins finals. I say "classes" because I'm not quite sure which ones are holding meetings and which ones aren't; the ones I actually went to the last few weeks pretty much already wrapped up. Even so, there's not much left except finals anyway so I'm just going to hit them hard and finish this up as quick as I can.

The last two weeks were really a load but provided a finale to most of the courses. I finished two big semester presentations, one last week and one this week. Those cost the majority of my free-time all semester, so I gasped as I finally came up for air when they were over. AND I did pretty well on them; the MGT 405 basically crowned me king of bullshit because everybody knows that class is a joke, unless for some reason you major in management, but I clinched our grade by nailing all the stupid questions they threw at us. The other more useful and relevant presentation went well last night, and I'm just glad it's all over. With the 50 or so page report of our work at designing an information system, at least I have something pretty to bring into interviews now.

After arriving home tired but satisfied, it would have been perfect to top off the week seeing Star Trek with everyone but I had to finish this last SQL project. Man, that shit is a bitch. And it just goes to show how this class is run and how outdated it really is by his instructions on turning it in: "Please turn in before noon on Friday (when there are no classes) and slide it under my office door". So I had spend lunch driving out there just to turn it in. But, again, I'm just glad it's over and I hope I did enough to keep my grade up. I really slacked in that class toward the end.

In a couple hours it will be weekend time though! I'm going to swim after work (finally : /) and then take my entire extended family to Stone tonight for my mom's late but important 50th birthday. I'm down to make it a double tomorrow too. Can't wait to go with Martin, and glad to see your first blog since who knows when!!

28 April 2009


Yeah, it really was a weekend dominated by baseball. I hadn't really realized it until Chris said so. Friday was our first Padre game of the year and the only win of the homestand, so I'm glad we went that night instead of Saturday, which would have meant no 99 or sweet disco party! That was seriously the best night I've had in a long time, and the party wasn't bad either.

As I find myself trudging through the semester, it looks like there's only two weeks left before finals. I can't wait for this to end and summer to begin, and I can't believe my 36 unit barrage of classes in two semesters is coming to an end. Honestly, it's been the most work I've ever had to handle, but it's been been the best time of my life. All the memories made it whiz by; I can remember my first day after Bumbershoot like it was yesterday. AND after two full years here, I've officially taken more units at State than I did at SFSU. I guess this is home again... : )

So projects, presentations, and final exams pretty much fill the first three quarters of May, but I'm going to burn through it and hit summer with a bang. Sorry I missed basketball yesterday, but I had to be at school to finish up some final projects. Three weeks from now, I promise I'll be a basketball machine! All I want to do this summer is work out, travel, and start life after college. Yes, technically I have two more classes left, but who's counting. If they had offered them this semester, I gladly would have taken them, but I can't control that and I'm not going to let it ruin my "graduation". The bulk of the work is done and I don't care about walking or throwing caps in the air or any of that GradFest bullshit. I'm educated, I have high school diploma part two, time to move on.

20 April 2009


Definitely hating life right now. I'm so sick of school, and so disappointed in myself for not caring anymore. 33% of my skin is dry and itchy, and there's so much grey hair on my head that I'm gonna look like Eli soon. No, not Loi, Eli II.

I can't seem to do anything right anymore. Just confusion, that's all...

15 April 2009

DB Project 3

For one night's work, I'm pretty satisfied with what I got done on this project. I'm sitting in class right now, about to turn it it and it seems like everyone was in the same boat...they keep talking about ''Question 11". "Damn, that shit was hard!" Wish I had gotten to it :/

14 April 2009

Staying Afloat

I'm hoping this senioritis is at its worse right now, because it's pretty bad and I know as the semester winds up there will be potential for much more harmful damage.

I just turned in my second VB project, which came out OK but I just completed it about an hour ago and put about 2 total hours of work into it. Currently, I might be around a low B in the class with one more project left. I think I'll need a good grade on the final too.

09 April 2009

GSD weekend. Phone/iGoogle will be off. Sorry.

06 April 2009


Spring break is over and the grind must continue on. I do feel pretty relaxed and refreshed, but I really need to get myself back into the swing of things mentally. I've put off a lot of work and I know it's going to bite me in the ass with long nights and tired eyes. So while everyone else is on THEIR spring break (excluding Justyn and Eli of course), I hope to get caught up with everything and finish the final stretch with authority. As Dr. Cheeks would say, "I'm a little behind..."

01 April 2009

Ultimate Saturday

I think because of spring break, I've put off this weekend blog until now. But it definitely was a weekend, and especially Saturday, worth writing late about. 

In preparation for Saturday, we didn't do very much on Friday night. Actually, I don't even remember what we did.

Saturday though, we all woke up early (for a Saturday) to play some badminton at Balboa. For some reason, the activity center was closed and it surprised everyone who showed up, not just us. Anyway, I prefer the sunshine anyway so it was nice to hit the cocks around for a while right outside, even got in a good catch. While Garrett and Kim broke away to go watch Lucas get his new tattoo, the rest went to Spaghetti Factory for lunch downtown. Despite to-go drama, it was a good lunch followed by a car nap and Blick trip. No Saturday afternoon during the months of March-September would be complete without a swim, which I was surprised I still had time for with all the things we had already done. I guess that's the beauty of waking up at a decent hour. But the pool was great, and once dry and slightly more tan, I found I had to choose between Darick's dinner at BJ's or Stone. Yeah, tough choice. Luckily, but not surprisingly, Justyn was still down to go and finish the Vertical Epic trio with the '08. This was literally a "cool" Stone trip; we brought two coolers of ice, filled 5 total 2-liters and a baby 1-liter and brought them all back ice-cold. It made the beer taste so much better. Ryder was sweet that night too. Played a game of Vert Ep pong, fireside chats, got to chip some lip, then bailed for some Yellow Shack. We weren't done yet though. The night owls (Justyn, Martin, Flo, Everett) got in some Hot Shots for the first time in ages. 

We spent Sunday looking at animals at the zoo, then bypassed a nap to read at Barnes and Noble before dinner at Domo. 

24 March 2009


Japan took the World Baseball Classic last night against Korea 5-3, their second time out of two WBCs (2006). I was all set to come home, relax, and put off my homework to watch the match, but of course I forgot about our ghetto cable set-up that lacks ESPN. From what I followed on the cheesy play-by-play flash app, it was a great game. Korea tied it in the 9th, down 3-1, but ended up losing 5-3 on a two out, two RBI single by Ichiro Suzuki. I guess it's nice for him to taste victory, because that ninja sure as hell won't eat in his American hometown.

Also, just finished my last midterm and presentation. Even though I still have classes this week, I'm going into spring break mode. 

23 March 2009

DK is in town!

We did some new things this weekend with people who we don't see so often anymore, which made for good times.

Darick actually got in late Wednesday night, but with work and classes I didn't even see him until late Thursday night at poker. I guess he's a decent player too from what I heard so he's got me beat.

On Friday, the first day of spring and Eli's birthday, I went swimming after work for the first time since August. It's going to take a long time to get back to where I was before, and it completely wore me out. So it was nice to just chill at San Diego Brewing Company over some tasty beer. I think my buzz/fatigue contributed to me leaving without my wallet and lowering my spirits most of the night. However, we visited this Korean karaoke place where we could rent a room, bring our booze and sing all night. Tiffany was also in town and pretty much organized the whole thing, and it was actually pretty enjoyable. Once back on Ryder with Justyn off of work, we just sat around the table as Eli entertained us with his drunk talk. I don't think anyone really wanted to sleep either, because after Ryder we went to my house and recorded some clicks until 4:30 AM. That's how you spend a Friday night.

Of course I didn't wake until about 11:45 AM on Saturday, which I don't mind because I rarely get the opportunity these days. Luckily, the Brewing Company had found my wallet and saved it for me to come pick up. Quite a relief. And, it gave me the perfect excuse to spend money on clothes for Jessica's 21st. Before the party, however, the typical Saturday afternoon activities had to be completed: practice/lay down live tracks for all the songs we've practiced up to this point, and get the growlers filled with the '07 Vertical Epic from Stone. It was just Eli, Justyn, George and I, but it was a fun trip and I'm glad we sucked it up and got our hands on some of that stuff because it tasted great, much better than the '06. I actually decided to purchase a 1-liter for the weekends when I feel like staying cool. Once everybody got their act together, it was already 10:30 but we headed out to party with the North County punks. Topped off with some yellow shack, it was another fun 21st birthday celebration.

Sunday was relaxing, but we decided to go back to '07 again and do Sunday at Tokyo. Everyone agreed the food was great, and it was nice to go back there and find our picture on the wall.

It's been a while since I updated, and the championship game is actually going on right now between Korea and Japan. I'll post the outcome sometime this week.

Monday, March 16 
Cuba 7 @ Mexico 4 (Mexico eliminated)
Venezuela 2 @ Puerto rico 0

Tuesday, March 17
Korea 4 @ Japan 1
USA 6 @ Puerto Rico 5 (Puerto Rico eliminated)

Wednesday, March 18
Japan 5 @ Cuba 0 (Cuba eliminated)
Venezuela 10 @ USA 6 (Venezuela top seed from Pool 2 for Semifinals)

Thursday, March 19
Japan 6 @ Korea 2 (Japan top seed from Pool 1 for Semifinals)

Saturday, March 21
Korea 10 @ Venezuela 2 (Venezuela eliminated)

Sunday, March 22
Japan 9 @ USA 4 (USA eliminated)

Japan @ Korea 6:00 PM

16 March 2009

Time Out

With my PDR meeting on Thursday and nothing to worry about school-wise, the weekend was pretty fun and relaxing. And actually, I don't recall it stinking very much, no matter how much I wanted it to. For that I am now grateful.

There really wasn't too much going on except hanging out at Ryder, both the Friday night routine and the Saturday night St. Patrick's celebration. That vertical epic was kinda meh. Everyone except Justyn and I bailed on Hot Shots. Practice got cut short Saturday afternoon. Alex got beat up. Actually this weekend was pretty shitty...

...BUT...The computer is, for the most part, ready to go (thanks Bellwick). And I found myself for most of the weekend just wanting to stop what I was doing and go home to write. Which I did. And THAT salvaged the weekend.

Saturday's Scores:
Venezuela 3 @ Netherlands 1
Puerto Rico 11 @ USA 1

Sunday's Scores:
Japan 6 @ Cuba 0
Korea 8 @ Mexico 2
USA 9 @ Netherlands 3 (Netherlands eliminated)

12 March 2009

Finally downloaded and imported some new music into the iTunes last night : ) Speaking of new music, see pic at the top. Fuuuuck yes, think and say what you will, that will MAKE this summer!

Yesterday's Scores:
Mexico 16 @ Australia 1 (Australia eliminated)
Venezuela 5 @ USA 3 (Venezuela top seed from Pool C for Round 2)
Puerto Rico 5 @ Netherlands 0 (Puerto Rico top seed from Pool D for Round 2)

Today's Games:
Mexico @ Cuba 7:00 PM

Here are the teams for Round 2:
Pool 1: Japan, Korea, Mexico, Cuba
Pool 2: Netherlands, Venezuela, USA, Puerto Rico

Right now, Cuba is leading Mexico 7-4 in the bottom of the 6th. The winner will be the top seed from Pool B for Round 2 and play Japan in Game 1 of Round 2 here at Petco.

Round 2 games begin Saturday.

11 March 2009


Eli and I were discussing some our future projects and business ventures. They include:

  • A podcast starring Lucas and Eli, discussing random topics that become humorous simply because they are Rascons.

  • A 2010 SuperBowl add for coke, which we will pitch. The idea: "Coke Me".

  • *A massive brewery/restaurant/venue located in Santee as a town landmark. Everyone we know will have a role.*
Other ideas will follow.

Yesterday's Scores:
Cuba 5 @ Australia 4 
Venezuela 10 @ Italy 1 (Italy eliminated)
Netherlands 2 @ Dominican Republic 1 (Dominican Republic eliminated)

Today's Games:
Netherlands @ Puerto Rico 5:30 PM
Venezuela @ USA 6:30 PM
Mexico @ Australia 8:00 PM

At this point, either Mexico or Australia will be the last team eliminated in Round 1. Everyone else not eliminated already will move on to Round 2. USA must win tonight against Venezuela to be top seed, but they advance regardless. 

09 March 2009

Bullet Dodging

So this weekend, although disappointing in some ways to others, was really fun thanks to some good luck. 

Friday night, I took off to school right after work to get some work done on our semester ISD project. Kind of some drama involved with that, and we didn't get as much done as we would have liked, but at least I got out of there in time to make a 10:25 Watchmen showing. Bullet number one dodged; as I was about to get on the 125, Justyn calls me wondering when we may show up at Ricky's party. For some reason,  I really wasn't feeling a movie at the time, with the sitting and staring (and sleeping), so I flipped a bitch and drove down Woodside for a sweet party with Martin and Justyn. Played some pong, drank some whiskey, and chipped some lip all in the backroads of Lakeside. And, as it turns out after meeting up with the crew on Ryder, Watchmen wasn't an Oscar winner. Sweet.

Saturday was great, starting with sleeping in until 8. Unfortunately, father son bonding replaced a Saturday morning jam, but family always takes priority, we all know that. So, played some catch with Flo at the park, rounded up Chris, Martin and Nate and went to our Balboa spots to look at art. Took a break at home to get some stuff done, then went to Saturday night Stone with Chris, Justyn, Eli and Tiffany. The Growlers were filled and transported downtown to Kate's condo, which actually was really sweet. I didn't really mean to drink as much as I did because I had to meet up at 8 AM the next morning at school, but my growler was empty when we left and got home around 3:30. Also, way disappointing that the Hot Shots at the condo didn't work out. I blame myself. BUT, the condo was way sweet and I can't wait to do it again.

Sunday after getting the school work out of the way and waking everyone up, the Zoo ended up being me, Flo and Lily. Garret joined up later, and it made for a very educational, entertaining afternoon of watching animal drama. Grabbed some dinner at Panda later, which was very relaxing. I like how we meet up there and basically close the place up with 20% off food. Finished the night getting some more work done, which ended up taking a lot longer than expected. Didn't get to sleep until 4:30, so I was pretty tired this morning. But, a pleasant Sunday night and great weekend lingered in me all day.

OK, I made a mistake on the pools. Game 6 doesn't eliminate a team, it just determines the top seed for pool 2. Both move on.

Today's Scores:
Korea 1 @ Japan 0 (Korea top seed from Pool A for Round 2)
Mexico 14 @ South Africa 3 (South Africa eliminated)
Italy 6 @ Canada 2 (Canada eliminated)
Puerto Rico 3 @ Netherlands 1 

Tomorrow's Games 
Italy @ Venezuela 5:00 PM
Dominican Republic @ Netherlands 6:30 PM
Cuba @ Australia 8:00 PM

Looks like Japan is coming to San Diego. And my prediction is against Cuba.

08 March 2009

Pre Game

Here's a little WBC post before my weekend recap. Probably do that sometime tomorrow during work.

I know I missed a lot yesterday because Pool A is already in the final Game 6. Taipei, China and Panama are out, and I guess there must be a 10 run rule in this tourney because both Korea and China lost by more than 10 and the game ended in 7 innings. Funny.

Friday's Scores:
China 4 @ Taipei 1 (Taipei eliminated)

Saturday's Scores:
Japan 14 @ Korea 2 (7 innings)
USA 6 @ Canada 5
Venezuela 7 @ Italy 0
Netherlands 3 @ Dominican Republic 2
Puerto Rico 7 @ Panama 0

Today's Scores:
Korea 14 @ China 0 (7 innings, China eliminated)
Cuba 8 @ South Africa 1
Dominican Republic 9 @ Panama 0 (Panama eliminated)
Australia 17 @ Mexico 7
USA 15 @ Venezuela 6

Tomorrow's Games:
Korea @ Japan 6:30 PM
Italy @ Canada 6:30 PM
Netherlands @ Puerto Rico 6:30 PM
Mexico @ South Africa 7:00 PM

Round 2 starts in San Diego, and there's 6 games total. Only two weekend games though, both on Sunday. I'm looking at that 1:00 PM game, the rest are all 8:00 PM weekday games except one at 6:00 PM. Leave comments if you're interested. 

06 March 2009


It felt good to get back to Thursday nights: work, school, poker, etc. Good stuff, and actually it's almost the REAL weekend!

Today's Scores:
Taipei 0 @ Korea 9

Tonight's Game:
Taipei @ China 7:30 PM (Loser is eliminated)

Tomorrow's Games:
Japan @ Korea 2:00 AM
Netherlands @ Dominican Republic 8:00 AM
Canada @ USA 11:00 AM
Panama @ Puerto Rico 2:00 PM
Italy @ Venezuela 5:00 PM

05 March 2009

Pools for World Baseball Classic:

Pool A: China, Japan, Taipei, Korea
Pool B: South Africa, Cuba, Australia, Mexico
Pool C: Canada, USA, Italy, Venezuela
Pool D: Kingdom of the Netherlands, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico

Each pool has 6 games: Two teams play in Game 1, the other two play in Game 2. Game 3 is the losers of Game 1 and 2, Game 4 is the winners. Whoever wins game 4 goes on to Game 6, whoever wins Game 3 plays the loser of game 4 in Game 5. The loser of Game 3 is eliminated. The winner of Game 5 goes on to Game 6, the loser is eliminated. The winner of Game 6 is the pool winner. Simple.

I couldn't find a Google app with scores or schedules or anything, so I'll just do it myself. Today's post and all of the proceeding will look as follows:

Today's Scores:
China 0 @ Japan 4

Tomorrow's Games:
Taipei @ Korea 1:30 PM
All times are Pacific. Interesting note, looks like a lot of the WBC teams are playing spring training games against MLB teams right now.

02 March 2009


San Francisco was obviously a great escape, but it felt kind of ordinary. Even though I haven't been there since May I think, I just blended in like one of the locals and didn't get too much excitement outside of the partying. That's probably why I ended up doing my entire database modeling project while I was there...

Friday night I landed around 9 and made it to the house by 10. I guess they had been going since 6, so it was in full swing once I strolled in. It was actually one of the bigger parties but I still got in a sweet game of pong with this other guy from SD that went into triple overtime. That really was the highlight, and after it proceeded into some guys fighting over something stupid, others doing lines of Reel Big Fish CDs, and then a random stray dog entering the house. It had weird tumor thing on its neck, so no one liked it and they kept throwing it out. Kind of sad but necessary. Once it hit three or four, some of us were ready to crash and others weren't, so there was no way I was getting a couch upstairs. I was feeling kinda bummed when I remembered the couch downstairs in the garage. Success! That was, however, reason number one for sleeping with the rats.

Saturday morning I slept until about 11, got up, did my best to shower in the sink, and headed to school to start my project. Nice walk actually, I stopped on Ocean for my typical bag of fruit, chips, an Vietnamese sandwich. The library was totally under construction and shut down, and I didn't feel like walking to the temporary one they set up all the way over by the police station. Luckily the student center was open and I cracked open the project syllabus for the first time to get some good headway. I also napped a lot in those chairs that start comfortable and end up like bricks. They ended up kicking me out of there before closing, so my last option was Borders at Stonestown mall. Always crowded at Seattle's Best, but after a minute I scored a table and got a couple more hours of work in. I figured I had done enough for the day so I made the trek home in time for Saturday night beer pong, which usually starts around 3 or 4. One guy that I beat punched a hole in the drywall, another one kicked a chair into the window and just CRACKED it. He decided that wasn't good enough and ended up just kicking it in. Keep in mind this is on the top floor in the living room. After such a large bash on Friday, we just played at home for a few more hours and chilled before heading to another party in the Sunset. We left around 10:30 I think and had to take the 29, which stops running around 12:30. Therefore we got there, made the rounds for an hour or so, and then had to leave to catch it home. On the bus ride back, called up Red Sea, smoked and ate before calling it a night. Of course, with a broken window now and night time temperatures around 45 degrees, I wasn't going to sleep upstairs Saturday night either. Reason number two for sleeping with the rats...

I at least woke up a little earlier on Sunday morning, around 9, although I now knew I had caught some bad germs over the course of the last two days.  I still needed to finish that project and I wanted to go downtown so I headed for the library on Powell. Closed. So I went to the Apple store (I now own a mighty mouse) and H&M, got lunch at Sam Wo and went to the Borders in Union Square where I pretty much finished the whole thing. Of course, when I got off BART at Balboa Park to walk 3 blocks back home, 4 guys followed me and might of done something had I not made it to the front steps just in time. Seriously 1 minute later I looked out and they had got some guy just walking out of his house. On that note, I took off for SFO and put some finishing touches on the project while waiting for my delayed flight. Finally, back in San Diego!

Honestly, it was a fun trip but it felt kind of unnecessary. And I definitely caught something gross there, and I've spent this week trying to rid it from my body. It's good to be home again.

27 February 2009


This birthday week could not have been better, and now this weekend is going to be even more celebratory. I decided to post a pre-weekend blog in addition to the weekend update which will follow on Sunday. I'm about to head up to SF for a huge and party and EVERYONE from the past will be there. Everyone is so different now, but I know it will feel the same. Can I handle this?

25 February 2009

Ok, I read Justyn's rant on dip. All valid points to a critical, objective thinker, and I agree with most of it. I just thought you (Justyn) were the one that wanted to stop, so I blogged some inspiration to get us going. But I don't care, I like it and we'll just stop doing it excessively I suppose.

Also, I'm sitting in an International Business class right now and we started talking about how a lot of fast food restaurants are actually outsourcing the work of employees who take orders from the drive-thru intercom to other places. Wow, did not know that. And it reminds me of that stupid self-serve order machine at the Carl's Jr. 

24 February 2009

Dip Head

I will stop dipping for the following valid reasons:

  • It's bad for my mind, blood, gums and heart
  • I think it's draining my daily energy supply and making me lazy
  • It makes me enjoy unhealthy food, both before and after a spit
  • It's a bad influence on my friends 
  • Girls think it's disgusting
  • It's all over Summer
  • I do it when I'm bored, or before class
  • Source of above image: oralcancerfoundation.org
  • It feels great, tastes great with cold beer (preferably Hefeweizen) and makes me feel like I'm in the back roads of Virginia
Ok the last one isn't a great reason, but the rest should be enough to make me forget it.
